The old school Internet Service Provider AOL has invited the French media to discover its new "Web 2.0" strategy for the coming months. It was interesting and refreshing to see AOL, that was previously renown for proprietary content and limited access to non member, opening its content and including comment capabilities.
- AOL will offer more and more exclusive contents with 15 new channels such as Music, Football,...
- The portal is definitely adopting a Consumer Generated Media strategy by offering web users and selected bloggers to collaborate with AOL to the content.
- Multimedia (vidéos, clips, mp3 radio) is one of the key point of their offer
One of the interesting point was that AOL (with the help of one of their blogging employee : Benito) had invited a dozen of influent french bloggers to the press conference in addition to the usual journalists. Brands seems to understand better and better that Bloggers & buzz are pretty well connected... Therefore I had the pleasure to meet Raphael, Benoit Dausse, Charles Liebert, Jacques Froissant, Mry, Fanny, Laurent Valembert,... to name a few.
Without being totally revolutionary, AOL seems finally to adopt the right way by opening itself more and engaging web users (aol member or not) to collaborate with them in order to create a ore interactive content...
More photos here.