vendredi 31 août 2007


Chanel just launched a beautiful website showing very nice video projections in Paris, New York, Honk Kong, Paris, and Tokyo... Check






Back from Medef Summer University

I have published a complete note on But you can have a look a the blog of the event, or at the photos taken by the 70 guest bloggers. I should say it was an interesting experience and a great opportunity to exchange ideas and meet new faces. Thanks to Frédéric Chevalier for his real sense of organisation and his enthousiasm.



jeudi 30 août 2007

Buzzcast#44 / Tariq Krim / Université d'été du Medef

Le Medef se met au 2.0 avec Tariq Krim, le fondateur de Netvibes, qui intervenait lors de l'atelier sur "le web, une règle de jeu mondiale. Tariq fait partie de la nouvelle génération d'entrepreneurs 2.0 plus jeans et baskets que costume et cigare. Pourtant il n'en aborde pourtant pas moins le futur de son entreprise avec sérieux et ambition avec plus de 10.000.000 d'utilisateurs de sa plateforme! Voici avec ce "buzzcast" ses quelques réflexions sur l'avenir de Netvibes et son intérêt pour les entreprises...

mercredi 29 août 2007

Buzzcast#43 / Charles Liebert / Université d'été du Medef

Interview de Charles Liebert, invité comme blogueur à l'Université du Medef sur le campus HEC... retrouvez le blog de Charles : et nos autres BuzzCasts sur ou sur

Invité comme blogueur à l'Université d'été du MEDEF

Comme une sélection de blogueurs j'ai été invité à venir couvrir l'Université du Medef sur le campus HEC... Bien qu'avec un à priori initial un peu cliché sur cette organisation de Défense et Promotion du Patronat, je suis très positivement surpris de leur esprit d'ouverture...surtout depuis l'arrivée d'une femme à la tête du Medef, Laurence Parisot qui semble insuffler un véritable renouveau.  J'ai donc décidé de partager sur ce blog, sur et sur le blog animé par les blogueurs invités les meilleurs moments et les découvertes que je pourrais faire pendant ces 2 journées...

Laurence_parisot_2I have been invited with a selection of bloggers by the MEDEF, the leading national organization that promotes and defends Entrepreneurship in France. They are having their national summer university where many leading politicians and wide diversity of people will be speaking and exchanging ideas around concepts such as "corporate social responsibility", competitivity, environment,... The theme of the year is "Fair Play or not Fair Play". Even if I thought this organization was maybe a bit out of fashion, I am very surprised of the invitation and to see the open mind style of their new leader, who for the 1st time ever is a woman : Laurence Parisot. I am going to report about this event in the next 2 days on this blog, on and on the official blog animated by the guest bloggers :

Find some photos on my Flickr....


dimanche 26 août 2007

Parkour in advertising

Every time I do see a video of Parkour (an urban discipline not too different from freerun like the one of Dvinsk Clan) I am just amazed by the agility of the practionners... Advertising seems to have noticed too (after the huge focus with Madonna video clips and the movie Yamazaki in France)... Please find below a selection of Parkour advertising coming from around the world...

First 2 really funny "french style" videos from Nike (The Angry Chichen and the Scary Cat)

Then Nissan comes up with a creative romantic video of Parkour...

Another car maker, Scion, is adopting the trend :

When Ford is using it on the chinese market!

And finally VW is joining the hype in Brazil this time:

Coca-Cola is showing teenage Parkour addict running for its red can :

Milo, in Chile is promoting chocolate cereals this way

Or Snickers, chocolate in Poland:

Even Tio, a brand of potatoe chips in Latvia is using it!

ÖBB, the Austrian SNCF (train company) is a bit more creactive around it...

I would finally choose the version done for the BBC as the great winner in my opinion...

If you are not courageous enough, stick to Parkour ad freerun training in... GTA (video game) ;)

Sometimes I like my job : BuzzParadise campaign for Osmose (Dim new bra)


Our team at BuzzParadise is just launching a new campaign for Osmose : Dim new (high technology) bra... Miio, Sophie or Mathilde are already talking about it...

vendredi 24 août 2007

dimanche 19 août 2007

Never let me enter a books or magazines shop...

Never let me enter a books or magazines shop... Here you are the result of my latest shopping raid when I was in London for 1 day, last week... I like books! I adore books! I just like to read new ideas, new concepts, new images...and can never have enough of it... Maybe one day I will try to see someone to check about this addiction. ;)




vendredi 10 août 2007

Web2.0 resumé.... the wrong way : CV of Mathieu Vaidis RANBAXY

Web can be tough sometimes... This manager wanted to be innovative in promoting his profile towards potential recruiter... Outside of a crapy sound (that don't really show the technical expertise he proclames to have), his presentation is so self sufficient ("I am a total master of web2.0",...) that some chicky webusers decided to create a remix... that is now becoming viral... Even if he may deserve it... web can show no mercy sometimes... so take the time of thinking twice before publishing something with your name attached... and remember that it is always easy to criticize others when yourself are not taking any risk...

The original video resumé

The parody

Source : Youkepa via Stef