mercredi 29 juin 2011

Really great video : Shared Love Story New York <> Paris

Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths on Vimeo.

Quelle serait la vie de votre âme sœur new-yorkaise ? Réponse de JW Griffiths : la même que la vôtre. C’est en tout cas ce qu’il a filmé dans son court métrage récompensé lors de la Nokia Shorts Competition 2011. A Love Story est un court réalisé pour l’occasion grâce au smartphone de Nokia, le N8. JW Griffiths a choisi le format splitscreen –permettant de séparer l’écran en plusieurs parties tout en couplant les images– afin d’ « explorer à quoi ressemblait une vie où deux personnes étaient faites l’une pour l’autre et ce qu’il se passe lorsqu’elles se rencontrent ».

dimanche 26 juin 2011

Lytro Is Developing a Camera That May Change Photography as We Know It!

Lytro (via TechCrunch)

Update: Check out this short promo video the company made:

A company called Lytro has just launched a pretty mind-blowing new technology. They designed a consumer camera that shoots photos that can be refocused at any time. Instead of capturing a single plane of light like traditional cameras do, Lytro’s light-field camera will use a special sensor to capture the color, intensity, and vector direction of the rays of light (data that’s lost with traditional cameras).

vendredi 24 juin 2011

#DigitalBeer - Paris, June 2011 - The photos

Quand une partie de la crème du web et des media online se retrouve sur les toîts de la plus belle avenue du monde, on obtient une soirée vraiment réussie...quelques photos ici et ici 

dimanche 19 juin 2011

China Connect Conference Paris 2011 - The Photos (#chinaconnect)



Some pics taken during the great China Connect Conference in Paris (June 2011). More info on  

China Connect is the one and only opportunity, to connect and be up to date with the hottest challenges and opportunities for brands and marketers, in today’s Chinese marketing, internet and mobile businesses. A market of 457 million web users and 857 million mobile phone users.

Some of best experts from China and Europe - among them: David Liu, CEO of Jiepang, Seth Grossman, Managing Director of Carat China, Sam Flemming, Founder&Chairman of CIC data China, Linda Tan, Consumer Insights Director Worldwide Zenith Optimedia UK … -  will bring insights on Chinese consumers, highlight dos and don’ts to build and develop a brand in China, show the explosion and complexity of Chinese social media, introduce some of the most remarkable campaigns and best practices, addressing the world’s most digitally powered consumers, modernizing, but not westernizing.


The photos are available on my Facebook or on Flickr.

jeudi 16 juin 2011

Tumblr héberge désormais plus de blogs que !


En à peine 4 ans, Tumblr est donc passé devant WordPress avec un total de 20,87M de blogs hébergés (contre 20,78M). Autre fait marquant, la croissance incroyable réalisée par Tumblr entre janvier (7M de blogs hébergés) et juin ! On peut se demander où s’arrêtera la plateforme qui séduit par ailleurs de plus en plus d’annonceurs.

60 Seconds - Things That Happen On Internet Every Sixty Seconds [Infographic]

60 Seconds - Things That Happen On Internet Every Sixty Seconds
Infographic by- Shanghai Web Designers

Did You Know That - In 60 SECONDS

Search engine Google serves more that 694,445 queries

6,600+ pictures are uploaded on Flickr

600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, amounting to 25+ hours of content

695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on Social Networking site Facebook

70 New domains are registered

168,000,000+ emails are sent

320 new accounts and 98,000 tweets are generated on Social Networking site Twitter

iPhone applications are downloaded more than13,000 times

20,000 new posts are published on Micro-blogging platform tumbler

Popular web browser FireFox is downloaded more than 1700 times

Popular blogging platform Wordpress is downloaded more than 50 times

WordPress Plugins aredownloaded more than 125 times

100 accounts are created on professional networking site LinkedIn

40 new Questions are asked on

100+ questions are asked on

1 new article is published on Associated Content, the world’s largest source of community-created content

1 new definition is added on

1,200+ new ads are created on Craigslist

370,000+ minutes of voice calls done by Skype users

13,000+ hours of music streaming is done by personalized Internet radio provider Pandora

1,600+ reads are made on Scribd, the largest social reading publishing company

mardi 14 juin 2011

Differences between Internet 15 years ago and now...

Les politiques Français sont la Honte de l'Histoire - by VinVin

INfluencia tendance / Le Brand Content est mort, vive le...


Un grand bravo à Influencia pour ce "carnet de tendances" en HTML5.... well done!

Keep an eye on Instagram: 5 M Users, 95 Million Photos, 4 Employees in... 8 months!


Instagram, is a nice photo social sharing application... but its performance is amazing :
- 5 million users
-100,000 new users over the weekend
- 95 million photos (or roughly 19 per user)
- 4 employees
- 2,500 apps using its APIs
- 860,000 new photos per day (or roughly 1 per every 5 users)
- 1.25 million users per employee
- 8 months since launch

Read more:

Le concert d'Elisa Tovati, résumé en une infographie ;)


La vidéo de ce showcase :

mardi 7 juin 2011

BTS Of Nike Chosen Campaign: Extreme Sports At Night

I just ran across an incredible ad by Nike called “Nike Chosen.” The concept was to grab the best surfers, snowboarders, skaters, motocross, and BMX riders and film them doing their thing at night. Fstoppers just published a BTS footage where there is a lot to be learned. The lighting, especially for the surfing session, is really amazing and although you may not ever do a shoot of this size, the same techniques could be used for your still photography at night.

Really great to have access to a "behind the shoot" for this amazing advertising...

Concert d'Elisa Tovati avec Elodie Frégé chez (les photos)



Retrouvez les photos du concert d'Elisa Tovati chez sur Flickr ou Facebook.




Un moment très sympathique à l'occasion de son nouveal album "le syndrome de Peter Pan"  grâce à l'humour et la présence de la chanteuse..
En plus d'un duo avec Elodie Frégé (prévu) et d'une chanson suprise mais assez énorme de Wilow Amsgood, on a vraiment apprécié la chanson "Il nous faut" en duo avec Tom Dice :





lundi 6 juin 2011

Interest Builds for Location-Based Services Beyond the Check-In

Nine in 10 mobile Wi-Fi users interested in location-aware tools


Mobile users, especially smartphone users, have been warming up to the check-in over the past year, according to comScore. But services like Facebook Places and foursquare are not the only location-based tools consumers want.

In Q1 2011, mobile Wi-Fi hotspot provider JiWire found that nearly half the users of its hotspots would be interested in checking in, up from 27% just the previous quarter. Services that would help them find store locations or other points of interest were even more popular, and interest had grown.

Mobile Wi-Fi users had also increased their appetites for location-aware reviews, ways to connect with others and tools to check product inventory nearby. Overall, the proportion of respondents not interested in any kind of location-based services dropped by nearly half, from 22% to 12%.

Location-Based Services that Are of Most Interest to Mobile Wi-Fi Users in North America, Q4 2010 & Q1 2011 (% of respondents)

One barrier to adoption of location-based services has been privacy concerns, which are heating up throughout the mobile space. Majorities of both male and female app downloaders told Nielsen in April that they were worried about privacy. Women were 7 percentage points more likely to be concerned.

US App Downloaders Who Are Concerned About Privacy When Using Location-Based Services or Check-In Apps, by Gender, April 2011 (% of respondents)

Nielsen also found privacy was an issue that cut across age groups, though the oldest users were most worried.

Still, the growing interest in both check-ins and other location-based services suggests some users at least are becoming more comfortable with sharing information about where they are via mobile. As marketers and developers continue to educate mobile users about the risks and rewards of sharing data, they should note that services other than the check-in may be more enticing to many consumers.

vendredi 3 juin 2011

Twitter is launching a new #search and #photos experience

Millions of people share photos on Twitter every day. Twitter is going to make that easier than ever. Over the next several weeks, they will be releasing a feature to upload a photo and attach it to your Tweet right from And of course, it will soon allow to easily do this from all of our official mobile apps.

mercredi 1 juin 2011

Quick Stat: 53.5% of Internet Users Will Read Blogs This Year – The eMarketer Blog


According to eMarketer, the number of blog readers in the US will reach 122.6 million in 2011, representing 53.5% of internet users. eMarketer’s estimates of bloggers are limited to people who blog; they do not include marketers or media companies with public-facing blogs.

Grand Theft Auto IV : when geeks will be the best at sport!