lundi 19 décembre 2011

Le studio Datagif publie une offre de stage qui sort de l'ordinaire


On conseille souvent aux candidats d'innover un peu en matière de candidature... mais c'est vrai qu'on peut retourner le conseil aux agences dont les RH sont encore bien souvent très traditionnelles...Voici donc un bel exemple de la part du studio Datagif ;)

samedi 17 décembre 2011

Social media is one of the most difficult forms of marketing to measure


Most marketers know that company executives want to be able to measure marketing tactics and campaigns. But as the marketing mix evolves and becomes more interconnected, this has grown more challenging.

Only 47% of US marketers believe they can effectively measure the return on investment of email marketing, and other types of marketing saw even smaller percentages. For social media marketing, only 26% of marketers think they can effectively measure ROI. 

jeudi 15 décembre 2011

36.6M Americans Got Their Current Jobs Through Social Media [Infographic]

Met IRL (In Real Life) in November 2011 (the photos)


A few portraits of the great people I have met this month... from web or marketing professionals, to friends, talented creatives, colleagues or non expected encounter... the world is full of interesting & suprising people...Finally back with a new Canon EOS MarkII and a 85mm 1.2 lense...Hidef photos available on Flickr and on Facebook.

mercredi 14 décembre 2011

PSFK Future of Gaming Report....

A nice report about the growing importance of gamification in marketing... The best way to influence people or to incentive them to change their behaviour is too make teh whole process playful, not by advertising more...

dimanche 11 décembre 2011

#LeWeb2011 Conference : the photos

Find some of the photos I shot from #LeWeb 2011 great Conference here and here or in higher def on Flickr. A great event with amazing speakers from all over the planet.. where I was lucky enough to moderate one of the panel (about the future of Social media : brand content or Social CRM with Disney, Air France and Redbull). I will soon share a summary of the key learnings of this year...

jeudi 8 décembre 2011

mardi 6 décembre 2011

Weird! H&M admit to using computer-generated fashion models!


H&M is no more using real human model body for the photos of ots catalog... he is copy pasting real faces on computer generated body.. how weird is that.... What do you think??

lundi 5 décembre 2011

Best digital campaigns 2011 (by Grégory Pouy)

A cool selection of some of the best digital marketing campaign by my friend Gregory Pouy...Some brands definitely get it and are launching both innovative and efficient social media marketing campaigns...

samedi 3 décembre 2011

5 décembre 2011 - Assises des Médias Sociaux au Napoléon #2 : le ROI des Médias Sociaux, mythes et réalités


Rendez-vous ce lundi.... avec un panel de choix : Odile Roujol, Directrice de la communication Orange France, Delphine Remy-Boutang, Worldwide Social Media Marketing Director, IBM, Genaro Bardy, Directeur du développement Salon du Chocolat, Cyrille Chaudoit, directeur de Scanblog, Sébastien Cognet, ISPA consulting, Minter Dial, The Myndset, Noam Kostucki, Managing Director, Seeducation, Romain Liberge, Directeur Associé, La Netscouade, Eric Maillard, Directeur Général Ogilvy PR, Loic Moisand, co-fondateur et CEO de Synthesio, Benoît Sillard, PDG CCMBenchmark Group (Le Journal du Net, CommentCamarche, l'Internaute), auteur de Maîtres ou esclaves du numérique, Guillaume Simon, Co-Founder & VP Product Manager at Tigerlily, Roland Tripard, DG de, Damien Vincent, Directeur commercial France, Facebook, et moi-même...