lundi 30 avril 2012

Kraft Personally Thanks 4,632 Facebook Fans in 'Likeapella' Music Video

You "like" brands on Facebook, but do they ever like you back? Not likely. But now, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese has done just that—with the help of an a cappella group. On Tuesday, the brand posted a note on Facebook that read: "LIKE this post, and you never know what may happen." ( More than 4,600 people did. Then, Kraft liked each and every one of them in return by mentioning them in the "Likeapella" music video below. The brand embedded the new video in a follow-up post, about a half hour ago, that reads: "We LOVE it when you LIKE our posts.( So we're showing you some love back with a song personalized for you, our fans." Another fun stunt from Crispin Porter + Bogusky in an ongoing all-around great campaign (

My Opinion : Kraft clearly understood that Facebook and social media is about engaging with their audience by creating "contagious experience". It is all about being surprising but about showing that you care to your fans in a personal and non expected way (like a real human). This campaign reminds me about Marcel (a PUBLICIS agency) that decided to thanks each of its 10.000 first fans via a dedicated video :

Twitter RSVPs by Nike


Brands are increasingly using Twitter in innovative ways—e.g., via “micro-affiliates” or for e-commerce. To help manage demand for sought-after new sneaker editions, Nike recently debuted a Twitter RSVP process that allows customers to reserve a shoe at any of a dozen U.S. stores, avoiding long lines and mayhem. Sneaker fans must follow the Twitter account of their local store, which sends a tweet at a random time on the designated day. Consumers must then direct-message the store within 60 minutes, including the product-specific hashtag, their name and shoe size. Shoes are awarded on a “first respond, first serve” basis and can be picked up on the launch day.

mercredi 25 avril 2012

When a 9 years old boy becomes viral...The Caine's cardboard Arcade story

An Internet video called “Caine’s Arcade” is one of the latest videos to go viral, or grow wildly popular. The video has been viewed more than five million times on Vimeo and YouTube since April ninth. The video tells the story of nine-year old Caine McCoy in Los Angeles, California. The little boy used cardboard boxes, scissors, tape and other things to build a game center, or arcade, in his father’s used-car-parts store... No customers in sight for days... until one day Filmmaker Nirvan Mullick paid a visit, enjoyed the boy's universe and decided to give small push to the idea thanks to social media...He created an event on Facebook, called a “flash mob.” He set up a date and time and invited people to come out to help him fill Caine’s Arcade with customers. The event was also published on the websites Hidden LA and Reddit. The news spread quickly. More than one hundred men, women and children visited Caine’s Arcade that day. Caine called it the best day of his life. Since then, he and his arcade have become famous. And so has Mr. Mullick...

More info : &

#OrangeRockCorps en mode concert 2.0

Le Mag Influencia : un petit air de Wired à la Française... Magnifique...

La Maison Paco Rabanne se lance sur Tumblr avec PacoBy


La Maison Paco Rabanne se lance sur Tumblr avec PacoBy. Véritable carnet d’inspiration réalisé avec une sélection éclectique de curateurs – photographes, illustrateurs et bloggeurs, PacoBy… a miscellanous of thoughts & impressions propose une balade visuelle et personnelle au coeur de la marque. Mis en ligne en version Beta à l’occasion de la « fashion week » parisienne d’octobre dernier, PacoBy nous propose, à partir de cette année, un rendez-vous thématique mensuel. A ce titre, Paco By présentera en Avril une rétrospective de robes vintage tandis que le mois de mai sera consacré aux grandes égéries Paco Rabanne des années 1970.

Mon avis : Déjà largement utilisé par la mode aux USA, Tumblr semble enfin séduire une marque Fashion dans l’hexagone (en connaissez-vous d'autres en France?). Bien joué à Mathieu Lebreton, rédacteur en Chef de Materialiste et d’Ykone pour ce projet très prometteur qui montre qu’il n’y a pas que Facebook et qu’un des éléments clefs en matière de media sociaux est LE CONTENU.

Orangina & the VidéoStars s'invite chez Baptiste de 10 Minutes à Perdre

Bravo à NoSite... pour avoir convaincu une marque comme Orangina d'accepter que l'humour "jeunes" est souvent potache, un poil provoc et loin de la vision aseptisée, politiquement corporate que la plupart des marques pratiquent en essayant de toucher cette cible...

lundi 23 avril 2012

Ikea Squeezes 2,800 Products Inside Single Web Banner Ad

Here's a great little digital stunt by Ikea. To emphasize the point that its furniture and other products help you to save space, the Swedish retailer has squeezed an entire store—some 2,800 products—inside a 300-by-250-pixel banner ad. As you move your mouse around the banner, the products get magnified. You can click on them, and it takes you to a page where you can order them. We can probably agree that this may not be the most practical way to browse merchandise, but it fits so well with the brand that it's undeniably charming—a wonderful big/little idea. It's actually reminiscent of the BMW banner ad we wrote about last year, which was 18,000 pixels long … and not a bad read at all. Via Adland.

vendredi 20 avril 2012

Des cintres qui affichent en temps réel la popularité facebook d’un vêtement...

BRESIL - Ce mois-ci, le magasin C&A de Sao Paulo, lance un des cintres équipés d’un petit écran qui vous montre la popularité facebook du vêtement (nombre de « Likes »). Les cintres sont reliés en temps réel au compte facebook et vous « aident » ainsi dans votre choix d’achat. Une opération imaginée par l’agence DM9 (DDB).

Domino’s Talking Scooter Helps Get Your Pizza Delivered Safely

Funny idea or more advertising invasion?

[Formation FrenchWeb] Le social media dans tous ses états - le best-of en images

Formation FrenchWeb - Social Media par frenchweb

Il y a quelques jours, j'ai été invité par Frenchweb avec Damien Douani (CEO Fada Agency), et Philippe Pinault (BlogSpirit) pour animer une matinée 100% médias sociaux dans leur showroom. L’objectif, pour les participants était de prendre du recul sur leur stratégie social media, et connaître les bonnes pratiques pour dynamiser une communauté. Voici un petit best-of en images.

jeudi 19 avril 2012

En mode "culture"

Met IRL (In Real Life) in March 2012 (the photos)

A few portraits of the great people I have met this month... from web or marketing professionals,to friends, talented creatives, colleagues or non expected encounter.A few portraits of the great people I have met this month... from web or marketing professionals, to friends, talented creatives, colleagues or non expected encounter... the world is full of interesting & suprising people..... the world is full of interesting & suprising people...  The photos are on Facebook :

lundi 16 avril 2012

Draw Something : Daily Users Of Totally Crater -


We have some good news and some bad news for Zynga.

First, the bad news. Daily active use of its $210 million acquisition, Draw Something has completely cratered since Zynga bought the game.
Now, the good news: Monthly active use has pretty much doubled on a month over month basis.

The data comes from AppData, which tracks users via Facebook logins. It's not perfect because Draw Something doesn't require Facebook, but it's a pretty good directional measurement.

What does it mean? Draw Something users aren't as addicted to the game as they once were. However, they haven't abandoned the game entirely. We'll see if Draw Something can succeed as a casual game played every so often.

mercredi 11 avril 2012

An Animated GIF Explains Everything About Instagram

TNT add a bit of drama in your life!

To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium we placed a big red push button on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text "Push to add drama" invited people to use the button. And then we waited... Discover here what happened or visit for more info.