If you are interested in the latest digital & innnovations trends in Marketing, you should attempt PIMI 2008 (Programme Innovations et Marketing International) in Paris, on the 26-27 of march 2008.
This event supported by TNS SOFFES or CBNEWS is gathering top international speakers such as :
- Dr. David Chaffey, e-Consultancy
- Reza Ghaem-Maghami, Directeur General, Proximity BBDO France
- David Florence, Regional president Europe, Middle East, Canada, Draftfcb
- Thomas Romieu, Directeur de la Stratégie et du Marketing, Windows Live, France
- Yannick Carriou, Directeur Général, TNS Sofres France
- Peter Fisk, auteur du best seller “Marketing Genius”
- Bill Carney, Senior Marketing Professor, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid (US) and one of the best business speaker I have ever met
- Diana Verde Nieto, CEO, Clownfish Ltd. U.K.
- Jean Marc Lehu, professor of marketing at Panthéon Sorbonne (le pouvoir marketing des « stars »)
- Magnus Lindkvist, CEO, Pattern Recognition, Sweden
- and myself who will be speaking about Word of Mouth Marketing, Buzz, Viral and Marketing 2.0
Register now : http://www.pimi2008.org