lundi 28 avril 2008

The future of media... a few links

While surfing I gathered a few really interesting links about the future and challenges met by traditional media with the digital era :

- WSJ is forecasting even more gloom in Newspaper Ad Sales. "Print-ad revenue plummeted 9.4% to $42 billion in 2007, according to an NAA estimate released Friday. Classified ads, which account for a third of the total, were hit especially hard, down almost 17%."
- It is maybe due to the fact that Communicators Are Out of Sync With the Way Consumers Use Media and that some are already realizing hit and shifting their media spendings, according to Ketchum?
"The way communicators dispense information is out of sync with the way consumers use media. Consumers Rely Most on Personal Experiences and Experts When Making Decisions.Advice from family and friends is the No. 1 source that consumers turn to when making a variety of decisions – ranging from purchasing consumer electronics to planning a vacation – and advice from an expert rates highest when making medical decisions and purchases based on a product’s environmental impact. Despite the strong evidence that friends, family and experts play a key role in influencing decisions, only 24 percent of communicators report having a word-of-mouth program in place.
Advice from family and friends is the No. 1 source that consumers turn to when making a variety of decisions – ranging from purchasing consumer electronics to planning a vacation – and advice from an expert rates highest when making medical decisions and purchases based on a product’s environmental impact. Despite the strong evidence that friends, family and experts play a key role in influencing decisions, only 24 percent of communicators report having a word-of-mouth program in place. Communicators must focus on speaking to individuals, not just broadcasting to the masses, when getting their messages across to this new ‘public of one
- Mahmood N. Al-Yousif wrote an interesting article on the Huffington Post, about the complicated relationship between new and old media, the western and arab media.  He says : "Sites like the Huffington Post which generate over 100 million page views a month through to the Jordan-based Maktoob which enjoy over 270 million page views and many hundreds of thousands of registered users and over 100,000 registered blogs. These sites use all the new approaches and tools to attract more eye-balls (...) something that traditional news papers cannot emulate without intrinsically changing their business models (...) The sad irony; however, is that a large proportion of what is posted in new media sites is almost always dependent on what has already appeared in news papers (...) Entrepreneurs and publishers should recognise that pressing for change through innovation is right now. (...)The potential for this new media is multi-facetted: it's impact is economic and cultural. (...)In the cultural aspect, this media is dichotomous as it could be used for both closing the cultural gap between East and West as well as expand the fissures between the two."

- Google is on the raise and Newspapers are too pessimists (and freaked out to rethink their model?). "So, while newspapers have told me directly to my face what won't work, what isn't in their business plan, how holy their journalistic quality is, Google buys another property, puts another beta program into the consumer space, imagines what is possible. Google is an optimist. Newspapers are pessimists. I honestly don't care what happens to newspapers. The market is the jungle. The market is natural selection and will take care of this debate without us."

- IHT gives some good hints to print media on what advantages to develop to attract advertisers
- there are a lot of opportunities to leverage Traditional Media Placements in an Online World and Gregg Stewart from Search Engine Watch has published some interesting thoughts that many traditional media players should be reading... He is even imaginating that "publishers may negotiate traditional media placements on performance-based pricing scenarios similar to the CPC"

- Hopefully some counter example in the media world are showing that when excellence is there (I am talking about the amazing Monocle magazine (from Tyler Brûlé, an ex Wallpaper guy)), perfomance is following up too. One of their ex collaborator of have published an amazing analysis about their online strategy and design choices during this 1st year of existence

If you have found some great links about the subject, feel free to share them with us ;)

jeudi 24 avril 2008

Yahoo propose de gagner le dernier CrossOver Ford Kuga en UGC

Yahoo vient de lancer un concours d'affiches et de vidéos UGC (User Generated Content) pour la Ford Kuga : avec à la clef rien de moins... qu'un CrossOver à 40.000 euros à gagner... Un bon point : même les personnes ne faisant que voter on aussi des dotations à remporter... je vais peut-être ressortir mon camescope moi! Et rendez vous dans 27 jours pour découvrir les créatifs gagnants.


Plus d'info :

mercredi 23 avril 2008

Bataille LaChose VS le Club des DA : Round 2

Après avoir ouvertement critiqué les changements  un peu étranges de régles pour les prix du Club des DA (surtout une fois les campagnes rendues), l'agence LaChose persiste et lance un buzz... avec le site et 2 vidéos assez amusantes ;) Une première face à des prix souvent auto décernés entre grandes agences parisiennes et entre dinosaures de la publicité peu enclins à reconnaître le marketing digital, le buzz ou le viral comme "création nobles"...

A quand le prochain round...

Source :

The end of newspapers?

The New Yorker published a really interesting article about the crisis of newspapers and their potential death in the future...


At the same time the International Herald Tribune is giving some hints about the specific advantages the print magazines may be offering to advertisers to continue to attract them...

And PSFK is letting David Cohn from explain how they are reinventing the future of... TV.

Speaking in Dubai at the 3rd Annual Kids and Youth Marketing Summit Middle East


On the 27th (yes, in Middle East people are working on sunday (and not on saturday)) and 29th of April 2008, I will be animating a 1day workshop at the 3rd Annual Kids and Youth Marketing Summit Middle East in Dubai. This workshop, with a Word of Mouth Marketing Focus will be an in-depth review of how one of the most innovative marketing trends can help brands to build lasting connections and loyalty to create a base of young brand advocates.

The rest of the Conference should be highly interesting with speeches and best practices from numerous leading brands such as LG electronics, organic foods & cafe, Panasonic marketing middle east, Newboy toys / Fulla, HP middle east, Motorola, Crocs,…

- More info :
- Have a look at the other conferences and seminars we are speaking at with Vanksen|Culture-Buzz, LegitiName or BuzzParadise (VanksenGroup) :

jeudi 17 avril 2008

Speaking in Riga at “Alternative Marketing. Getting noticed” Conference on the 21st of April

On the 21st of april, I will be speaking at the conference “Alternative Marketing. Getting noticed” in Riga,Latvia.

Numerous international speakers and word of mouth marketing experts will be there :
- Justin Foxton, founder of CommentUK, co-author of the “Bible” “Connected marketing: The Viral, Buzz and Word of Mouth Revolution"
- Jimmy Maymann, CEO of Go Viral
- Ian Herbison, Regional Director, Central & Eastern Europe of Mmd company
-  Gary McGuire, Chief Brand Officer of BITE Group
- ZenithOptimedia


As well as local experts:
-  Mudrite Grundule, Director, PR company Prospero;
- Arturs Mednis, Founder of “JaffaRiga” project; he is called “media hooligan”, one of the famous bloggers in Latvia;
- Gatis Bolinskis, Founder & Head of Data Serviss
- Tomas Ramanauskas, Creative Director of MTV Baltics.

The conference will gather interesting and outstanding figures who reached much success in this kind of marketing, new in the Baltics so far. Exciting and dynamic presentations, interactive discussions, different cases of world-famous companies, vivid examples, the most essential theoretical base,...

A good opportunity to have a better understanding on how word of mouth maketing is getting used and adopted accross the world...

More info :

- Have a look at the other conferences and seminars we are speaking at with Vanksen|Culture-Buzz, LegitiName or BuzzParadise (VanksenGroup) :

lundi 14 avril 2008

Flying to Johannesburg to speak at Marketing Show South Africa

When you will be reading this note, I will be flying to Johannesburg to speak at Marketing Show South Africa about word of mouth marketing, social media, blog, buzz & viral marketing... I have never been there yet and am a bit curious to see how is the market doing there...Marketingshow_johannesburg

More info :

vendredi 11 avril 2008

mercredi 9 avril 2008

Olympic Torch odyssey in SanFrancisco live with TweetScan

Better than (since updated every few seconds) CNN or France24, follow-up live the odyssey of Olympic torch in San Francisco by people on the street twitting about it, thanks to twitter monitoring tool "twitterscan" : Protesters seems even to use twitter to locate the torch because of the constant changing itinerary!


mardi 8 avril 2008

Join Paris International Marketing 2.0 & Buzz Conference : 6-7th of may!

After BuzzTheBrand, (the 1st french conference about buzz and viral) last september, dont' miss the "Marketing2.0", the 1st International Conference about Marketing 2.0 and buzz, viral & blog marketing in France : . It will gather top experts from all around the world in the center of Paris (ESCP-EAP)... Speaker from Facebook, Myspace, BzzAagent, BuzzParadise, YouTube, Forrester will help agencies and marketing or brand managers understand what are the latest best practices around 2.0 communication. Don't miss this exceptional event!


More info :

lundi 7 avril 2008


lun. 07.04.2008 13:37 07042008(001)

lun. 07.04.2008 13:37 07042008(001)

Speaking at Vienna Digital Marketing Summit on April 7-8.

On monday, I will be speaking at Vienna Digital Marketing Summit with experts from all over Europe about "What’s Next in Digital and Online Marketing".


Day 1

The Future of Interactive Marketing - What’s Next in Digital and Online Marketing?
Nigel Morris, Worldwide CEO - Isobar
• Looking at some of the current trends in CEE to bring out ideas for tomorrow’s most innovative online strategies
• Which strategies and campaigns have best demonstrated cutting edge digital marketing?
• What will online and digital marketing look like in 5 years’ time?
• Future-proofing your online strategy to stay ahead of the pack.

Thoughts on Consumer Engagement in Digital Channels
Etienne Yuan, Acting Head of Digital Marketing-Global Marketing - Sony Ericsson
• Online as the main channel - an activity with very clear inputs (traffic or eyeballs)
• Creating an engaging brand experience – Process: the website, its design, functionalities and business rules -
Outputs: transactions, leads, brand awareness/preference, etc.
• How is Sony Ericsson fine tuning their Digital Marketing Mix to achieve their business goals?

The Consumer Talks Back!
Bert Wiggers, New Media Director and Board Member - Sanoma Magazines International
• Web 2.0 developments: user generated content
• brand marketing, traffic management or somewhere in between
• Product Comparison sites: how to use them in your marketing

E-Marketing in the World of Durable Goods
Hans El Daly, Brand and Product Director, CEE & Barbara Baminger, E-Marketing Manager, CEE- Electrolux
• Importance of Internet for the White Goods appliance Sector in CEE
• Main online activities of Electrolux and their link to our other activities
• Using the Internet for Customer Relationship Management providing a full online experience to our customers with various tools

Panel Discussion
• Where is digital / online media ranked in the marketing mix?
• What do marketers need from their agencies?
• How important has digital marketing become in building brand value?
• How can you make online and offline activities seamless?

Viral Marketing - Making Consumers Your Advocates
• Using creative materials with technological know-how can help embed your brands in online communities.
• Encouraging customers to voluntarily pass along their marketing message
• Building a global campaign through local endorsement

Making blog marketing work in CEE
Tom Smith, Research Manager EMEA - Universal McCann
• Highlights of UM Global research into blogging and results from the CEE region.
• The role of blogging in CEE.
• Meet the CEE blogger
• How to use blogs in CEE as part of your marketing mix?

Integrated Digital Strategy - Executing a Truly Interactive Campaign
Aleksander Smigielski, CEE Media Director - Unilever
• Choosing the right mix of digital channels to maximize brand equity
• Building long term brand engagement by using the most appropriate platforms for your target audience

Using Innovation in Online Communication
Herwig Wőhs, Head of CRM, Analysis & Research - Allianz
• Innovative use of online marketing in customer acquisition
• Effective use of CRM to grow customer relationships and increase sales
• What possibilities does the internet offer in product development?

Mobile Marketing to Strengthen Customer Loyalty
• Cementing relationships with customers and encouraging buying behaviour through a highly personalizable medium
• Using sms advertising as a point of integration with other media
• Reaching younger market segments through sms

Day 2

Measuring Success in Digital Marketing
Louise Ainsworth, Managing Director EMEA - Nielsen//NetRatings
• Using metrics to evaluate the performance of digital marketing activities
• Beyond clicks – the insights the different metrics give about user behaviour and which ones should you be using
• The unparalleled insights for ROI given by measuring consumer-generated media
• Measuring mobile and video platforms

The M-Bank Story - The Virtual Retail Banking Project of BRE Bank
Wojciech Bolanowski, Vice Director of Marketing and Business Development - M-Bank
• What is the idea behind banking 2.0? – a new business model for offering financial services
• Successful e-marketing of banking services in Poland – lessons learned in the past 7 years
• Customer acquisition in the digital world
• Expansion of mBank – the digital buzz story
• The bottom line: virtual actions but real profits

Harnessing the power of social networks in CEE
• How do you increase brand advocacy rates and sales through the use of social network sites?
• How can social networking build your brand?
• Discover how to target your social media messages, gaining better quality business leads and greater value from your
social media marketing investment

Keeping Control of Your Brand – Managing Your Reputation Online
David Hughes, Founder - Non-Line Marketing
• Monitoring your reputation – key process steps; challenges
• What do your consumers say about you online?
• Losing control of your brand – online reputation “hall of shame” – lessons learned

Panel Discussion
• Taking advantage of the social web. Can it work for you or against you?
• How do you integrate sms marketing into the digital mix?
• Accuracy of online metrics
• How do you prepare for online reputation management?
• Activating your brand through digital channels

Masterclass led by David Hughes - Non-Line Marketing

Overview of Trends & Changes / Challenges in Marketing Affecting Digital Planning
The Digital Marketing Landscape
• Defining digital and its role in marketing
• Trends affecting marketers and planning
• Emerging opportunities / threats / technologies
• Web 2.0 and social media
• Overview of the characteristics of the digital customer (B2B)
• How to build a picture of your own customers

Digital Media Planning
• Key components of the digital marketing plan
• Situation analysis, objective setting & strategy formulation
• Channel selection – the digital marketing mix
• Plan implementation
• Measurement and budgeting
• Risk assessment and contingency planning
• Legal considerations – Privacy & Data, Cookies, Ts & Cs etc.

More info about this event dedicated to the Future of Interactive Marketing :

jeudi 3 avril 2008

Made a stop at our BuzzParadise event for JeanPaul Gaultier Perfume "Monsieur" in Milano

Being in Milano to speak for the WOM Summit... I took the opportunity to stop today at one of our BuzzParadise event for the promotion of "Monsieur" : Jean Paul Gaultier new line of cosmetics. Managed by Luca Conti our BuzzParadise evangelist for Italy (and web2.0 expert) and Charline who just flew from Luxembourg in the morning, this event gathered 15 italian bloggers to get introduced to the brand spirit and get a "make-up" demo.


With more than 27 products... guys were ready to get a bit of assistance ;) Monsieur_jean_paul_gaultier2

It was really nice to exchange with Buzzparadise italian members and I hope they will forgive me for not speaking italian at all...


(photos from

mardi 1 avril 2008

In Milano, speaking at Word of Mouth Summit


In Milano, speaking at  Conference about buzz, blog, viral, marketing 2.0 and digital influence for BuzzParadise a Vanksen|Culture-Buzz...

Speaking at MD Expo Paris

mar. 01.04.2008 11:14 01042008
I was happy to speak twice this morning at MD Expo (Direct Marketing biggest fair in France) regarding relationship marketing first and about Buzz & Viral marketing then. More than 250 people at each session.. and a real interest of the audience that was very keen on asking questions. Nice.
