mardi 26 août 2008

The China Source Book by TNS

A collection of insights into China’s consumers in the year of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games by TNS :

Tns China Sourcebook
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mercredi 20 août 2008

Are marketers trying to make people unhappy?

99francs_beigbeder_2 Seth Godin that we have a better standard of living today than Louis XIV did in his day. So why are so many people unhappy? He explains that "What you have doesn't make you unhappy. What you want does.... And want is created by us, the marketers."
He just reminded me about the excellent book 99 Francs from Frédéric Beigbeder. An ex advertiser himself he used only the price of his book as a title to show in this fun, non politically correct novel the dark side of the advertising world. just posted about the fact

The first lines are the perfect illustration of Seth's post : "I am the guy… who make you dream at things you will never own. Sky always blue, cheeks never bad looking, perfect happiness... When, after many savings, you will be able to pay for the car of your dream... I will already have outfashionated it... I always find a way to frustrate you... I make you addicted to novelty... there is always a new thing to make the previous one out of fashion... Making you drooling from envy is my mission. In my business, nobody wish you to be happy, because happy people are not consuming..."

And you what do you think? Are advertisers evil puppet masters? or do you think that this strategy would only be profitable in the short term?

mercredi 6 août 2008

Apple bashing...

Ok ok, it is easy and I do really admire Apple's product most of the time... but come on, sometimes I hate when apple fans... become... fanatics...


This is another drawing from the excellent Hugh MacLeod from Gapinvoid