mardi 7 octobre 2008

Top links of the month | October 2008 (Crisis impact, Online Advertising + Media + Viral & WOM + Brand monitoring + Social media)

During the time I spent on browsing during the last month, I came on a lot of very interesting articles and insights. I am happy to share them with you in this post. I hope you will have as much fun and interest as I had at reading them ;)

The impact of the crisis on advertising

Online advertising, ad banners and digital marketing

  • Microsoft multiply studies to prove that ad banners are efficient (when Nielsen Online recorded a 6 % drop of display investments on Q1-Q2 2008 vs Q1-Q22007)

  • Some disagree : The X Factor: Banners and the death of advertising

  • 5 ad operations disasters

  • 7 experts tackle online marketing myths

  • How much marketing is digital? A lot—unless marketers are overestimating

  • Maybe, digital marketing needs a reboot?

  • At least, digital ROI surpasses that of TV according Kraft who created a shocking announcement with a study with Kellogg Special K showing they got more results only using Word of Mouth and digital marketing versus TV

  • Advergaming : Advertisers have yet to unlock the power of play : "But videogames don't just project images; they simulate experiences. For the first time since the quaint sponsor spots of the golden age of television, we have in the videogame a medium that can actually make claims about the features, functions, benefits and drawbacks of products and services. Or of public policies and causes, for that matter."

  • The critics need a reboot. The internet hasn't led us into a new dark age.

Social media, PR, blogs, seeding & Influential Marketing


Word of mouth, UGC buzz & viral marketing

Buzz & Brand Monitoring

  • The End of Consumer Surveys? P&G, Unilever Join ARF in Effort to move from paneling to buzz, blog & social media monitoring. “(…) a shift in paradigms, and most likely budgets, away from surveys and toward mining insights from blogs, social networks, consumer comments to websites and more”, said Joel Rubinson, chief research officer of the ARF. The initiative grew out of a July meeting on how better to listen to and track opinions consumers already are sharing spontaneously, Mr. Rubinson said. "Within about an hour, this session really became transformational," he said. "Researchers were starting to sound like planners."

  • Monitoring measuring social media

  • Les marques pharmaceutiques en danger sur le Web. MarkMonitor publie son dernier Brandjacking Index sur l'industrie pharmaceutique. Ce dernier révèle que les brandjackers s’attaquent de plus en plus aux marques réputées. « Notre rapport annuel met le doigt sur la gravité de la situation : le nombre de consommateurs cherchant à faire des économies en achetant des produits pharmaceutiques sur le Web est en hausse constante, tandis que les escrocs utilisent la perte de contrôle dans la vente en ligne de médicaments de manière toujours plus offensive », déclare Irfan Salim, p-dg de MarkMonitor. « L’industrie pharmaceutique doit donc s'assurer que ces clients ne mettent pas leur vie en danger en achetant des médicaments contrefaits ou de qualité médiocre. » La communication de ces pharmacies et de ces sites est de plus en plus agressive. MarkMonitor estime que les brandjackers dépensent 26 millions de dollars par an (17,9 millions d’euros) pour de la publicité sur les moteurs de recherche en n’utilisant que six mots-clés.


Recruitment & HR


Webjam : other links and insights worth to blog about

Feel free to send me your best links ;)

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