lundi 30 juillet 2012

Sight :The Future of Augmented Reality?

Sight from Sight Systems on Vimeo.

A short futuristic film by Eran May-raz and Daniel Lazo.
This is our graduation project from Bezaleal academy of arts.

Please share if you enjoyed it!

Daniel Lazo:
Eran May-raz:
Hanan Revivo:
Boaz Bachrach:

Ori Golad
Deborah Aroshas

A great visionary video about The Future of Augmented Reality? A super nice gadget or a freaky mind control device? What do you think?

‘Smart’ Table Can Identify Different Types Of Baked Goods In One Second [Video] - PSFK

A new system developed by Brain Corporation in collaboration with the University of Hyogo is able to identify different kinds of baked goods on a tray, in just one second. The technology, which was trialled recently at a bakery in Tokyo, improves efficiency as new and part-time staff don’t need to learn all the various pastry names and prices. The machine automatically gives them the knowledge they need to assist customers and calculates the price, cutting down on serving time.

The items are placed on a light table at the counter and identified by a camera. A green outline on the screen confirms that an item has been identified correctly. If there’s any doubt, a yellow outline is shown, and item names can be selected from a list of possibilities. Repeating this process makes the system even smarter. The developer’s next move is to use the visual recognition system for other items that can be distinguished by shape and color, like vegetables and medicine. You can see it in action in DigInfo‘s video above.

Ikea introduces augmented reality app for 2013 catalog

At the end of this month, 211 million Ikea catalogs will be sent off into the world. If one lands on your doorstep, you'll want to have your smartphone handy.

Aside from the usual smattering of new sofas, fabrics and lighting fixtures, the company is also experimenting with a new way to view the catalog -- through the lens of augmented reality.

Flip through the catalog's carefully art-directed tableaus, and keep your eye out for a symbol that looks like a smartphone held on its side. That's your cue to fish your own smartphone out of your pocket, download the free Ikea catalog app, and then hold your phone over the picture of the product. You might be treated to photo galleries, a video story about the designer of the product, or even an X-ray feature that lets you look behind cabinet doors.

The catalog ships at the end of the month, and the app, available for Android phones and the iPhone, will be ready for download on July 31.

Ikea worked with creative agency McCann to create the 2013 catalog's "digital layer."

Andreas Dahlqvist, global deputy chief creative officer of McCann, told Advertising Age that one of Ikea's goals for the project was to extend the life of the catalog in consumers' homes.

Ikea estimates that the catalog usually has about a two-week shelf life before it gets tossed into the recycling bin.

With these interactive features, the company is hoping that the catalog will continue to float around coffee tables and bathrooms for at least a few months.

jeudi 19 juillet 2012



Egalement, si vous voulez un petit coup de pouce pour l'inspiration, voici une accroche:

Comment passer de start du web à la rentabilité? Commencer gratuit, puis passer au payant, stimuler sa communauté pour garder une longueur d'avance sur son marché, rester innovant et exceptionnel... autant de stratégies adoptées par LES INFLUENCEURS pour passer de star du web à la rentabilité!

lundi 16 juillet 2012

Are You Afraid of Mobile Phone Separation? [INFOGRAPHIC]


A recent survey commissioned by T-Mobile and conducted by Kelton Research found that 25% of respondents would rather leave the house without a credit card than a mobile phone and 29% would prefer to be without cash. Nearly half of Americans said they miss their phones within an hour of being without it. Some are so addicted to smartphones that 11% would rather leave home without wearing pants, and 63% would climb through the trash to find a lost mobile device. About 25% said they would physically fight a thief to get their phone back.

jeudi 12 juillet 2012

"Don't be a boiled frog - jump!" - Verena Delius - TEDxBerlin

A great 10 minutes speech about what slow innovation within leading or aging companies....

Dodge Dart | How To Change Cars Forever | Great Commercial!

Thanks to Georges ( for this link. Great and powerful ads... reminding us how much human energy is behind the creation of a car (with a nice touch of self humor)... well done!

Marketers Lessen Focus on Facebook Compared to Rest of Web

When it comes to advertising budgets, Facebook is also not as popular as it once was. A June 2012 study from Advertising Age and Citigroup found that 72.8% of US marketers said their overall social media ad budget would increase in the coming year, but only 56.4% said the same of their Facebook advertising budget. Also, 4.3% said they would decrease their Facebook advertising budget, compared to only 1.9% who said the same about their overall social media budget.

jeudi 5 juillet 2012


Etre et vivre comme une startup, c'est quoi exactement? C'est plus que se déplacer à trottinette d'un bureau à un autre, c'est une stratégie et un art de vivre..

mercredi 4 juillet 2012

Adieu étiquettes, bonjour affichage numérique interactif !

La technologie numérique se démocratise et apparaît de plus en plus dans notre quotidien. Par voie de fait, nos magasins en profitent également. Ces procédés originaux sont une solution ludique pour faire revenir les clients dans les boutiques, trop souvent désertées à cause des achats sur le web. Pour le moment, on voit surtout le phénomène dans les banques, mais le concept s’exporte un peu plus chaque jour.

Ici, on exploite une technique d’affichage de projection interactive. Elle utilise principalement des capteurs de mouvement et de lumière pour mettre en valeur les produits et donner un maximum d’informations. La vidéo est explicite, en l’occurrence, dès qu’un client prend une chaussure dans ses mains pour l’observer de plus près, l’affichage se modifie. Les nouvelles informations apparaissent clairement et peuvent être innombrables, concrètement on va proposer le prix, promotions, disponibilité …

lundi 2 juillet 2012

Guerilla marketing + Geolocalisation = Orbit white vs

A small but funny/creative guerilla marketing action (not sure people won't feel invaded in their privacy but I guess the 2 giant puppets will be fun enough to keep the whole experience more entertaining than creepy). At least a good example of mixing digital/social and offline...