mercredi 22 février 2006

Power to people! Culture-buzz launches a european buzz marketing platform

With our buzz and viral marketing agency Culture-Buzz, we have been experimenting and implementing word of mouth strategies and tactics for several years now. After many seeding and blog marketing campaigns for brands such as Nokia, Warner Bros, Canal +, Sony or 20th century Fox we have gather a group of more than 300 buzzers (influents bloggers, online communities managers, websites owners,...).

We our international development (Germany, Switzerland, France, Benelux, Asia) it was now time to climb the next step. I am therefore happy after several weeks of effort to announce the launch of BuzzParadise. This european plateform will help brands to connect with consumers and deploy buzz marketing campaigns. The aim? To generate word of mouth by involving bloggers, influents, and opinion leaders through seeding, PR and vip events invitation actions.


Power To People! Brands  beging to understand the power of word of mouth and the power of involving their own customers  instead of only marketing to them... I hope BuzzParadise will help to ease and accelerate this trend...

More Info:
- The complete press release (French)
- Buzzparadise wbesite

3 commentaires:

  1. Nicolas Halftermeyer24 février 2006 à 05:18

    Bravo, c'était exactement mon besoin :-)
    Bien joué Emmanuel...
    Nicolas Halftermeyer

  2. Let's join the buzz paradise :-)
    Welcome in blogosphere and long life

  3. Power to people, enfin !
    Moi qui adore être au courant des derniers produits, des dernières tendances, je crois que je vais m'amuser...
