jeudi 23 février 2006

Deborah Causton, Creative Freelance

Mini Interview of super creative Deborah Causton. Talented marketing and design freelance, creator of the Design Club, Deb represents the dark side of communication in Luxembourg ;-) She just created the buzz during the party by launching Alternative Communication Awards the night before (the Golden Ducks Awards). This interview just took place during the Marketing and Communication Awards Night in the RockHal Luxembourg (23/02/06).

What is it to be a creative freelance expatriated in Luxembourg?
Difficult to crack the bigger market and very little benefits for being a freelancer in this country, the focus seems to be about making money and not having free time. Something the government should address if they are wishing for encourage creative entrepreneurialship or persuade talented people to hang around.

Tell us about the Golden Ducks Awards?
Golden Ducks was organised by Linda Bos (Freelance Designer), & myself, as a Design Club ( initiative it was initially a test run for an event to be staged in the summer here in Luxembourg (keep your ear to the ground on that one!).

The Golden Ducks are the Alternative Design & Communication Awards. They are a sarcastic slant on the official 'Communication & Design Awards' (Markcom as they are known here in Luxembourg). Award categories include Best Use of a Semi Clothed Person (The Nudist Award); Most Creative Use
of an Animal Cousin (The Quack Award), The Most Obvious example a Translator was Not Used (The Lost in Translation Award). We are not aiming to make a point and are just highlighting common 'mistakes' in design & communication in a light hearted way and not necessarily being critical of the work.

What is you opinion of Luxembourg Communication and Marketing Market?
It's ok. As a London lass it is difficult to compare the quality of work produced in the UK to here. Obviously more money is spent over there because there is a larger market/audience. Luxembourg does have moments of genius. I think to continue there is a requirement to encourage more
young people to be expressive and bend the rules a little. Look out side the Grand Ducky Box!

How do you see the future?
For the ducks it is all good. Nominations start on 31st March for 2007 ( Linda & myself are looking to be better prepared for the event next year and will be considering some international categories.

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