mardi 13 février 2007

Fred Cavazza in Real Life

mar. 13.02.2007 10:09 13022007
After having met Fred Cavazza yesterday night in Second Life, I met him again this morning in Real Life during the preparation of the WEB2.0 Conference by Strategies that will take place the 27th of March in Paris. I had the pleasure to meet Taline Mouradian and Jean-Pascal Mathieu from Nurun and Manuel Diaz from Groupe Reflect (an agency with a great blog that I invite you to visit).

If you are interested in Web 2.0 concrete marketing and technological applications, case studies and best practices, do's and don't,... come and join us and discover how Bic, Dell, Apple, Sncf, Vichy, Viamichelin, SONY,...

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1 commentaire:

  1. Very exciting to see that web 2.0 is much more than just an event with some bloggers and some guys really work on ...I guess we are all working on web 2.0 applications. I have launched very recently a quite similar approach on collaborative marketing called beta-marketing ( The main objective is to extend what we have learnt from web 2.0 to other business areas. I am particulary interested in making the Cust.Relation much more producing and less focused on IT systems...
