samedi 8 septembre 2007

Are social softwares going too far? Who did you had sex with?

There have been a lot of talks regarding digital identity and everyone's control on their data online. From Myspace to Facebook, from Linkedin to Viadeo, to having your face published on your Friend's Flickr ,one can wonder what will be the future. More and more people are worried about the consequences of this phenomenon on your future search for a job for exaple. There is very few chances that your future employer or an headhunter won't "google" your name... While googling mine, is just came upon this site


Now your sexual relationships seem to be tracked ;) and guess what? Since it is not accurate (I would be very pleased to know Paris Hilton that intimately but nope, I have only been working with Greg and Gonzague!) you have to register just to get the fact rights... Lies and Threats as motivators to recruit members for your social software... what's next?! And you what do you think about it?

1 commentaire:

  1. It's charming to know that we had sex XD I didn't know that working for Vanksen would go that far ^
