mercredi 19 septembre 2007

When news go viral : John Kerry speech "Taser style" with Andrew Meyer

More info : & there I am especially shocked by the lack of the reaction of the audience. Most of them continue to listen when one of their schoolmate, Andrew Meyer, is just being "tazed". Ok maybe was he a bit demonstrative but come on! When are they going to taze children for not finishing their soup! This is the most video viewed on Youtube today and discussion are numerous abou this incident (more than 18.000 comments & more tan 1.125.000! views on one day!!!). What do you think about it?

3 commentaires:

  1. Well I found inspiration in the event. And yes it has gone viral how do you know because people have started designing t-shirts about the incident. And no mater what side of the debate you fall the saying "Don't Taze me, bro!" is going to become part of pop culture.

  2. Well I found inspiration in the event. And yes it has gone viral how do you know because people have started designing t-shirts about the incident. And no mater what side of the debate you fall the saying "Don't Taze me, bro!" is going to become part of pop culture.

  3. This video just make me sick. After reading all the comments, I feel worst. How can people write stuff like "they should use guns instead of tasers"... It's just another proof of the gap between this part of american society and the rest of the world.
    About one year ago, a student from UCLA already created a buzz dued to abusive taser use by police.
    So Emmanuel, you know what you're gonna do for the next buzz operation :D
    (Also, did check all the groups created on facebook dedicated to Andrew Meyer? Very intersting!)
