mardi 2 décembre 2008

Top links of the month | Nov 2008 (Social & New Media + Measurement)

New media & Social media

-       Facebook might buy TwitterFeedburner Merged Into Google FeedsWPP & Google to Partner and Fund Academic Research.

-       Q3 Internet ad revenues at nearly $5.9 Billion and Social nets crack $1B mark 

-    The Economist explains us that blogging is no longer what it was, because it has entered the mainstream. Emarketer confirms the trend : Blogging becomes mainstream. Some say it is the end of the web2.0.

-       On the contrary, marketers still face steep web 2.0 learning curve.

-       Social Networks Steal Time From TV, but There's Hope.

-       Capturing social media success in a bottle

-       Youth Say ‘No’ to Marketing on Social Networks; More Receptive to Email Ads

-       Overseas Workers Lick Cream Off Social Media Market

-       MySpace launched MyAds, a slef service ad platform  (French). Similarly, display ad builder' takes design work out of adwords 

-       Agency Finds Correlation Between Brand Advocates, Business Performance

-    Digging Up Demos on Web Communities : Web groups are great for target marketers—and they know it.


Metrics a measurement

-       Market research firms have hard times measuring newly developed types of social networking ads.

-       Google analytics is offering new functionalitiesbut still show some disturbing inaccuracyWeb analytics can even cripple your campaign if you don’t use it properly.

-       comScore Estimates Reach of Website Ad Buys, Tracks Audiences for 'Virals'

-       ‘Conversation measurement toolbox' quantifies value of social media

-       A framework for measuring social media

Christmas marketing

-       Dell, eBay, Sephora Offer Virtual Gifts on Facebook, a new frontier in social network ads?


Find more good info and links about viral marketing, word of mouth marketing & social media on , the blog of Vanksen, my 360° & buzz agency.

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