1. Write compelling content. Seriously, might want to get on that.
2. Take a contrarian position. Get off my lawn!!!
3. Ask a power user to submit your site to a social bookmarking site like Digg. Easy as pie.
4. Mommy bloggers rule. Praise all the mommy goodness.
5. Mommy bloggers suck. Out an angry mommy.
6. Weddings!!!! These are kind of super-awesome.
7. Use auto-tune. I’m on a boat!
8. Do something awesome. Diet Coke=Win.
10. Link out to relevant content. Relevance=Good.
13. Own a niche. I own my lack of a jacket.
14. Use pop culture references.
15. Swear. Adds to authenticity…or something?
16. Get arrested.
17. Be Lisa Barone.
18. Say ridiculous things on Twitter.
19. Write a How-To:
20. Piss people Off. Works for me.
21. Declare that something is dead. Wired does it…why can’t you?
22. Construct Awesome Headlines.
23. Write linkbait. Lots and lots of linkbait.
24. Regularly participate in guest posts.
25. Call out someone or something who is already unpopular.
27. Be snarky, funny or anti-authoritarian.
28. Use ridiculous pictures. (See Above)
29. (Omit someone important from your blog post.)
30. Utilize puppets. Because lets face it, puppets are awesome.
31. Be Chris Brogan.
32. Publish things that potentially could get you sued.
33. Write Lists. Crap.
Source : http://thelostjacket.com/marketing/33-ways-blog-traffic
Posted via web from emmanuelvivier's posterous
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