Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
mercredi 30 décembre 2009
Social Media and Brand Reputation Strategy - eMarketer
Asked what their company had done to minimize negative comments in the past, nearly one-half reported having directly engaged with the consumer. The second-most-common strategy was longer-term in focus: trying to improve products and services.
Nearly two-thirds (63%) of companies reported responding to tweets, and 34% responded “systematically.”
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
Newspapers Join in Twitter Conversation - eMarketer
The study, which looked at the top 100 daily newspapers in the US, found that all the papers had at least one Twitter account, but many failed to publicize their Twitter use effectively. Nearly two-fifths of papers did not have a link to Twitter anywhere on their Website, and among those that did, many were hard to find. Still, 56% of newspapers maintained a directory on their Website of all the accounts associated with the outlet.
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
mardi 29 décembre 2009
2010 Social Marketing budgets defy economic concerns
Chances are your overall marketing budget was hit hard by the economy in 2009 and the prospect of recovering a substantial portion of these funds in 2010 is not very likely. Still, there is good news for social media marketers.
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
lundi 28 décembre 2009
dimanche 27 décembre 2009
Victoria's Secret Holiday 2009 TV Commercial by... Michael Bay
Quand Victoria's Secret se paye Michael Bay (le réalisateur de Transformers) pour sa dernière pub... Pas vraiment dans la finesse.. mais bon...
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
jeudi 24 décembre 2009
Vanksen sur : Les entreprises soignent leur e-réputation
Un peu étonné (positivement) de voir que Le Monde a dédié un article entier aux problématiques de e-réputation, citant Vanksen aux côtés de Heaven, WeAreSocial, Buzzman et BBDO... monitorer sa marque sur le web et les media sociaux commence désormais à être une priorité pour les entreprises...
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
mardi 22 décembre 2009
lundi 21 décembre 2009
Social Media Marketing budget are going to boom in 2010
Most social marketing dollars (60%) next year will go toward staff salaries for activities such as blogging, content development and monitoring of social channels. Another two-fifths will be spent on outside help from agencies, consultancies and service providers.
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
vendredi 18 décembre 2009
mercredi 16 décembre 2009
Twitter in Plain English
Nice video about Twitter
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
jeudi 10 décembre 2009
mardi 8 décembre 2009
Explosive new video from the Glue Society for Bastard by Metal On Metal - Great Music & Great video
I really like the Glue Society's new video for Bastard, the latest mix by Lituanian DJ "Metal On Metal". Thanks Vincent for the discovery ;)
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
lundi 7 décembre 2009
dimanche 6 décembre 2009
samedi 5 décembre 2009
Vanksen finaliste du Grand Prix paperJam - Communication, Marketing, Design 2010 (Luxembourg)
Vanksen est finaliste grâce au projet pour ArcelorMittal.
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
jeudi 3 décembre 2009
The ESCP Europe Human Experience by Vanksen
Our latest video with Vanksen for ESCP Europe, one of France & Europe best Business School :)
Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert