jeudi 29 avril 2010

Women Flock to Social Games - eMarketer

Women are taking to the casual gaming environment in greater numbers than men. Among all female Internet users, 28% play games such as FarmVille and Mafia Wars; men were 6 percentage points less likely to do so. Several other types of gaming, including offline and online console gaming and play in virtual worlds, were more popular with men than with women.

Online Gaming Activities of US Internet Users, by Gender, February 2010 (% of respondents in each group)

“Women are particularly attracted to short, casual games involving an active community like FarmVille, Cafe Wars or Pet Society,” said Tom Smith, managing director of Trendstream, in a statement. “Women also spend more time on social networks in general.”

Earlier research from PopCap Games also found women ahead in social gaming.

Q Interactive reported that 36% of female Web users played social games in January 2010. Slightly fewer than one-half of that group were used to seeing brands affiliated with the casual online games.

Frequency with Which US Females* See Brands Affiliated** with Social Games, January 2010 (% of respondents)

But from virtual goods to sponsorships, social games provide many opportunities for marketers to connect with players who now consider them an integral part of the social networking experience.

“The transformation of the gaming market towards casual social concepts has already changed the way that games are created and distributed,” Mr. Smith said. “The market is now much more open to anyone who wants to create games.

“This gives brands a huge opportunity to engage with consumers through casual games much more cost effectively than through other forms of advertising,” he said.

Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert

mardi 27 avril 2010

Pencil Vs Camera - 4

Reçu : le livre "Delivering Happiness" de Tony Hsieh, CEO de Zappos

Le e-commerçant de chaussures Zappos (récemment racheté par Amazon) et son CEO, sont réputés aux Etats-Unis pour une culture d'entreprise et un management hors norme totalement centré sur la satisfaction du client (et dans ce cas ce n'est pas juste une promesse comme trop souvent). Après de nombreuses interventions sur le sujet :

... il était temps pour Tony de publier un livre ("Delivering Happiness") pour expliquer sa philosophie que vous pouvez commander en prévente seulement sur Amazon. Sinon si vous êtes un blogger anglophone, vous pouvez comme nous (avec demander à recevoir une exemplaire dès à présent... et pour ceux qui ne supportent pas de lire, vous pouvez aussi consulter la vidéo de l'intervention remarquée de Tony à la Conférence Le Web :


Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert

lundi 26 avril 2010

Is it all because of Baby Boomers?

They had free education, well paid jobs and cheap houses. We’ve got unemployment, student debt and rented shoe boxes.
Baby Boomers might not have handed us this legacy on purpose, but they’ve done nothing to sort the problem out.
The bankrupt economy, the ruined environment; it’s only young people who’ll be paying the bill. And its only right that they have more of say in how its done.
Kick Baby Boomers out of power at the election. Because it’s all their fault.

Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert

Reality, worst game ever? ;)

There are more Farmville players than Twitter users ...

A great lecture by Jesse Schell about psychology in social games... For those who don't know... there are more Farmville players than Twitter users in the wolrd... and many of the social gaming companies have already sold for a few hundreds million $...

Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert

mercredi 21 avril 2010

53% of US Internet Users use blogs for purchase advice VS 13% TV

“Online peer-to-peer advice on message boards has increasingly become one of the most valuable sources for product recommendations. Marketers cannot afford to overlook this captive audience.”

Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert

mardi 6 avril 2010

What the HELL is social media - in 2 minutes

Life 0.0

The Future Internet: Web 3.0 or the Internet of Things

The size of the Mobile market

Facebook vs Google in 20 countries

Gamer Guys Influence Community - eMarketer

Male gamers are social creatures, the study reports, who go out with friends, to restaurants and to other social events more often than men who don’t play video games. That translates to greater influence—and gamers’ tech-savvy leads to influence online as well. One-quarter have written an online product review, a proportion that rises to one-third among “heavy gamers” ages 25 to 34.

Respondents who play video games were more often among the first to buy new technology, while nongamers were twice as likely to say they were laggards in tech adoption.

Posted via web from Emmanuel Vivier Lifestream : Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert