mardi 31 mai 2011

Intel® The Museum of Me

Simple but great concept (a bit similar to Bouygues Telecom and Deutsche Telekom Facebook book but nice still)... I love the share on FB via publishing an album of photos...

dimanche 29 mai 2011

Quelles leçons Marketing retenir de l’industrie du X ?

Le scandale de la gestion des droits d’auteur....


Et après l'industrie de la musique (pas les artistes) vient faire la leçon aux internautes...

The Ad Agency Bloodline


Wow.. a pretty incredible view of all the latest agencies merger in the past 10 years...

Altly : Un ex MySpace veut lancer une alternative à Facebook


Hum pas certain que cette nouvelle alternative à Diaspora face le poid en face de Facebook... Maîtriser ses données reste le soucis d'une élite malheureusement... pas certain que ce soit l'USP clef qui fera migrer les membres de Facebook en masse... Pour la majorité de ces derniers la problématique est d'être connu et reconnu plus que de protéger ses données (sinon autant ne pas aller les publier sur une réseau social et se contenter de la "pivacy" offertes par des emails one to one).

vendredi 27 mai 2011

Renault - Electric Life.. nice video

A really impactful way to get people attention and spread the message. But original? It seems that the would Renault - Nissan Group is surfing on the same concept...
Look at the Nissan Leaf advertising :


Nonetheless we can argue about the sudden interest if the automotive industry that has ignored electrical vehicule for years (outside of concept cars)... and electric car are... nuclear car anyway... So despite the fact that they themselves don't pollute directly,... the production of electricity to power them (nuclear and so) does! And will we be able to generate enough electricty if all the cars are powered by it, when we see that sometimes countries even as developed as the US already do suffer from regular blackout?

jeudi 26 mai 2011

Phil Davison, GOP Candidate... worst speech ever??!

Is he on drugs?

Bionic a video by Greg Williams with... Zahia....

Is the (in)famous french "beauty" getting control back? At least have a look at her official site : : an interesting serie of collaboration with artists, photographers and movie makers...

e-G8 buzz breakdown by Synthesio

Dans le dernier magazine LSA (article sur le marketing du bouche à oreille)

Merci au magazine LSA pour m'avoir cité sur son article (il faut juste qu'ils remettent leur carnet à jour sur mon titre ;) ) sur le marketing du Bouche à Oreille :,121957 et bravo à TRND que je connais depuis longtemps en Allemagne et qui arrive pas à pas en France après son implantation en Espagne. Leur modèle américain, vient d'ailleurs d'être racheté par Tesco pour 60M de $....

mardi 17 mai 2011

Wizee séduit les célébrités et les marques


Fin 2010, deux jeunes entrepreneurs lancaient Wizee, une plateforme de blog permettant aux célébrités de gérer leur identité digitale. Quelques mois plus tard, la plateforme accueille pas moins de 85 célébrités issues des media, du cinéma, de la musique ou du sport.

"De nombreuses agences accompagnent les marques sur Internet et aucune n'aide les célébrités qui sont des marques" expliquent Mikael Outzemeguine et Cyril Paglino les cofondateurs de Wizee. C’est de ce constat qu’est né Wizee. Aujourd'hui accueille Adel Bencherif, Catherine Lara, Cerrone, Mareva Galanter, Justin Bieber, Jennifer Lopez et beaucoup d'autres.

lundi 16 mai 2011

Madison, 5 years old & already influential make-up blogger!

Is the influential bloggers thing going too far??... or are children just playing to be older and therefore playing "influential blogger" instead of being a princess?

mercredi 11 mai 2011

La Nuit de l’Homme par YSL

Découvert sur le blog d'OkCowboy, qui explique : "Depuis un mois, Vincent Cassel incarne dans la Nuit de l’Homme, un séducteur au sens propre du terme.

Si le but ultime reste encore et toujours la conquête de la Femme (ou plutôt des femmes dans ce spot), ces dernières participent pleinement à ce jeu en se laissant séduire et finalement en succombant."

Même si les thèmes de la séduction et de l'attraction sont utilisés pour la énième fois dans la promotion d'un parfum... je trouve le résultat final plutôt agréable... l'univers sonore peut-être?

La Nuit de l’Homme par YSL

"Depuis un mois, Vincent Cassel incarne dans la Nuit de l’Homme, un séducteur au sens propre du terme.

Si le but ultime reste encore et toujours la conquête de la Femme (ou plutôt des femmes dans ce spot), ces dernières participent pleinement à ce jeu en se laissant séduire et finalement en succombant."

Même si les thèmes de la séduction et de l'attraction sont utilisés pour la énième fois dans la promotion d'un parfum... je trouve le résultat final plutôt agréable... l'univers sonore peut-être?

mardi 10 mai 2011

The Tale of a Fairy, Chanel en branded content by Karl Lagerfeld

The Tale Of A Fairy - FULL HD - English Version  

The Tale of a Fairy est un court-métrage imaginé, écrit et réalisé par Karl Lagerfeld pour la collection Croisière 2011/12, qui sera présenté à l’Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc au Cap d’Antibes le lundi 9 mai 2011.
Il met en scène Anna Mouglalis, ambassadrice de Chanel, Amanda Harlech, Kristen McMenamy, Freja Beha, Bianca Balti, Baptiste Giabiconi, Brad Kroenig, Jake Davies, Mark Vanderloo, Oriol Elcacho, Sébastien Jondeau, Seth Kuhlmann, ainsi que d’autres amis de la Maison.

« C’est un film sur le mauvais usage de l’argent qui commence dans la violence et finit dans les sentiments » Karl Lagerfeld, mai 2011. Diffusion sur à partir du 10 mai à 21h00 CET en bonus de la vidéo du défilé Prêt-à-Porter "Croisière 2011-2012" dans le cadre majestueux de l'Hôtel du Cap Eden Roc. On saluera une marque de luxe qui sait prendre une certaine liberté créative en évitant l'écueil de la vidéo promotionnelle, même glamour...  


Bravo à WalterFilms (en charge de la production exécutive du court métrage), qui collabore régulièrement avec Chanel et travaille essentiellement sur le secteur de la Mode et du luxe ( &

The top luxury brands in the press & on social media (great infographics)

The Underbelly Project : Street artists invade an ex subway station in NY

Thanks to (, I just discovered "The Underbelly Project" : a collective of street artists has invaded an ex subway station in NY to spread highly creative graffitis... Have a look at the slideshow and video below :

- More pictures :
- More info :

lundi 9 mai 2011

Marketing 2.0 Conference 2011 : the summary (in english) #M2C2011

A few days ago, Stratégies magazine (in France), has published a summary of Marketing 2.0 Conference, I have cowrited with Cathy Leitus... Since many of the participants and speakers are not fluent in french, please find below the english version of the article : 


Social Media Marketing Evolves ... But is It Maturing?

Social media marketing has arrived in its strategic phase. We have to completely rethink the significant influence users have, and will have, on organisations. That’s the basis of what was touted by digital heads of large international brands at Marketing 2.0 (#M2C2011) Paris this year. 

Is social media marketing dead? That question served as both the title and the provocative theme of Marketing 2.0 Conference, which took place in Paris on the 28th and 29th of March at ESCP Europe, organised by general director Nils Andres of the Brand Science Institute (BSI) with support from agency Vanksen and in partnership with media magazine Stratégies. Experts from international brands provided a state of the industry up to this point. We examined use of social networks, successes and failures, mishaps and disillusionments.

The resulting picture was both varied and sobering. Four in five enterprises plan to invest in social media in 2011, representing over two billion dollars, according to eMarketer; but 87% of businesses felt that the social media marketing campaigns they launched in 2010 were failures, per the BSI, which polled 187 global brands that represented over 15,000 consumers and around 50 agencies.

But why? Because when it comes to social media, the conventional notion of a “campaign” is passé. It’s no longer enough to organise a short-lived promotion; now we need long-term relationship strategies on an array of social platforms.

And major advertisers remain lost in the noise. Only 19% of polled companies have a clearly-defined “social media strategy,” and just 16% of organisational heads were able to define what social media is.

The absence of guidelines, clear roles, scripts and canned responses likely plays a part. Social media is too often perceived as the mere launch of a Facebook account, managed by an intern or young upstart -- or worse, at the advice of generalist agencies that can’t help a vulnerable brand in the face of bad buzz (consider KitKat, BP, the Gap logo debacle...)

A Facebook page with no tomorrow is like a one-night stand with your client,” as Andres so aptly put it. First and foremost, social media demands serious personal reflection on the culture of your company, its content, and its relationship with users and fans. But it also demands process, guidelines, the acquisition and diffusion of competencies (either through recruitment or education) -- not only the right platforms and technologies. At M2C, these topics were addressed in three stages.

1/Produce a strategy that fundamentally changes the organisation

If M2C 2010 focused primarily on existing tactics (buzz, viral, UGC, Facebook, Twitter), 2011 was more the year of “social media strategy.” Those company reps with a mature understanding of social media confirmed that the experimentation phase has passed, and success is now tied to a true reorganisation in the management and diffusion of change within the enterprise. “Evolve from an organisation of silos to a connected organisation,” said David Armano, SVP of Edelman Digital USA, who talked about “social business planning.”

This is about redistributing power, means and autonomy to employees (creating the “empowered employee”) in a thought-out way, the better to serve Consumer 2.0 (the “empowered consumer”), who’s also retaken power. The acquisition and evaluation of expertise also requires education and recruitment of specialist profiles - the infamous “community managers” - at the operational level and at the strategic level.

According to Philips in the Netherlands, social media initiatives are organised in seven stages (the “social media stage gate system”): business and social media objectives, targets and uses, confirmation of insights through buzz monitoring, definition of a strategy and criteria of performance, a deployment plan, guidelines, and the measure of ROI.


For social media and community director Richard Binhammer of Dell, “It isn’t about control anymore; it’s about influence.” So it’s important to think strategically about the enterprise ecosystem, its internal and external communities. From product development to client support, to marketing, comms and sales, social media’s been integrated at all levels within Dell. This was only possible with the collective effort of all members of the organisation, and thorough education: principles, governance, workshops and tools. Over 4,000 employees were retrained to become “customer-connected employees,” making social media less of a tactical tool and more of an integral part of all company activities. This improves quality, credibility, reputation, support and conversion -- not to mention quicker development of products better adapted to client expectations.


2/Evolve from message-diffusion to producing relevant and useful materials

Unlike traditional media, social media demands that you listen to users. MRM France, a marketing services agency within the McCann Group, talked about “customer utility.” Per general director Jocelyne Kaufman: “To play a significant role in the lives of clients, a brand should be interesting, useful or recreational, letting clients participate in the life of the brand itself.”

Examples abound: General Mills’ recipe site serves two million unique visitors per month, five million opt-in members, and saw sales rise from 19% the year of its launch. Meanwhile, MyStarbucksIdeas has received no less than 60,000 user-generated product ideas and improvements. Some have been rolled into development.

The more interactive and engaging an experience, the more original (with buzz potential), the more useful and personalised, the more contagious it will be, said agency Vanksen.

For content that isn’t merely messaging, but is actually useful to users, it’s often necessary to be attractive -- a quality that merits real investment. What’s more, brands underestimate how much editorial work it takes to keep Twitter and Facebook accounts running smoothly. Accustomed to a few PR soundbytes a year (through publicity campaigns), they must rethink their overall communication strategy to ensure that content is diffused to their targets at key moments. They can lighten this load a bit with “curation” (the buzzword of 2011!), the act of aggregating existing content in a qualitative and human way.

When brands understand that their users users (rightfully) demand respect, support, an added-value presence and the possibility to participate, they benefit by creating true ambassadors, positive buzz and recommendations (“earned media”).


3/ROI is king, but not without measures of effectiveness and a realistic budget.

The issue of measuring the effectiveness of social media became a recurring theme throughout the conference. For Binhammer of Dell, though, the question was less about ROI (return on investment) and more about the creating value and business over the long-term. Dell’s efforts generated over $6.5 million in sales on Twitter alone in 2009, so this isn’t just about building “brand awareness.” And at Xbox US, the Twitter support team (10 people) is today entirely financed by money saved from fewer calls to the tech support hotline.


But let’s not forget the other ROI: the “return on ignoring,” or the cost of not getting involved, a point raised by social media manager Madlen Nicolaus of Kodak. In 2010, Kodak generated 343 million impressions -- the equivalent of $2.4 million dollars in media spend -- on Twitter, Facebook and blogs. But let’s not avail ourselves to the temptation of swearing by our number of fans, often more attracted to sweepstakes than by the brands themselves. Criteria for measuring social media performance should be clearly identified well before launching an operation. Without this security measure and quantifiable data, you’ll be hard-pressed to find the budget to go further.

Finally, for brands that wish to fully exploit the potential of social media (notably in CRM), it’s crucial to have a realistic vision of users’ expectations. An IBM study recently found that customers don’t engage with brands to feel connected to them; they just want to take advantage of certain benefits (discounts, special offers). A little pragmatism to approaching the virtual world doesn’t hurt.


From these 2 exciting days, here are 3 very interesting examples of brands already embracing marketing 2.0 :


Domino’s Pizza Chicago: the king of Twitter buzz

Ramon de Leon has piloted six Domino’s Pizza sales points in Chicago. His intensive use of Twitter and Facebook has made his pizzerias veritable tourist destinations. With one restaurant, located on a collage campus, de Leon has also been able to track, then quickly adapt, use habits and new tools used by students (online sales in ’98, AOL’s instant messenger service in ’04, Facebook in ’05...). In 2005, he even registered at university just to be able to open a Facebook account, then reserved for students!


His goal: to surprise clients and generate a maximum of conversations per day: surprise promotions on Facebook, Twitter contests, evening pizzeria invitations to special “guests.” He also takes photos and videos with clients. Finally, never forgetting there’s a memorable person with a name behind each Tweet, the Domino’s menu includes top tweets and client testimonials with their Twitter handles. Whenever there’s a problem, de Leon apologises on video, generating thousands of views each on average.


Nokia: from social media marketing to social business

Nokia is among the most experimental brands in the social media realm. Seven years ago, the Finnish mobile firm launched e-reputation monitoring and actively courted influencers (bloggers, forum members) worldwide. Since, it’s launched a number of buzz and viral campaigns, aggregated user opinions on, blogged (in Chinese, even!) on, and launched a promotions program on Facebook and Twitter. More recently it opened an intranet 2.0 for employees with help from Socialcast, and produced, where users can collaborate on and conceive new products.


This work of collaboration and integration between communications, support, R&D and marketing, successfully managed around social media, can only be accomplished with support. Beyond the production of “social media guidelines,” employee education is key for proper understanding and diffusion of your messages. At Nokia, each country and department is responsible for becoming “social compliant” over time, as opposed to putting the responsibility on a handful of experts. Incentives to motivate teams, a community for sharing best practices and producing applicable models, is also important. Beyond these, a mastery of social media demands a serious commitment to change.


Samsung: content and “brand utility” services

South by SouthWest (SXSW) is the biggest digital conference in the US, with 40,000 participants who invade the city of Austin over the course of a few days. To stand out in this crowd of technophiles, in 2011 electronics firm Samsung decided to implement a “brand utility” strategy mixing content creation and curation, not to mention online and offline relationship development with participants.


So instead of plastering its logo around, Samsung launched a hub,, a veritable message board that provided useful services to participants, who were actually able to better exploit the conference because of its existence. It included top tweets from attendees, videos, interviews, expert analysis, infographics, maps of the most popular areas of the conference, all in real-time. Participants were invited to share content and favourite locations. A giant screen (the “media wall”) enabled them to visualise content when they were offline.

Beyond tech, Samsung also implemented a relationship strategy: the presence of a social media manager who responded to tweets in real-time, thanked contributors of photos or other selected content, and welcomed visitors to the “bloggers lounge.” The result: Samsung was placed at the center of conversation and became one of the most-cited brands -- in the positive sense -- on Facebook, Twitter and blogs during the event.

The medium is the messenger,” concluded social media manager Esteban Contreras.


Join us next year for the 2012 edition of Marketing 2.0 Conference


dimanche 8 mai 2011

i-mad : «Madame Figaro» lance un mensuel numérique

Le premier numéro d'i-Mad, florilège des quatre précédents numéros du Madame, s'ouvre sur une couverture animée par l'actrice Anna Mouglalis. Au sommaire: de la mode et de la beauté bien sûr, mais aussi plusieurs sujets société, comme un reportage sur la Cité de la joie au Congo ou un entretien avec la ministre de l'Économie, Christine Lagarde.

vendredi 6 mai 2011

Lolicats : lance sa websérie #brandedcontent

Is sont quatre, lancés dans une drôle d'aventure, la création d'une entreprise de mode. Noémie, Julia, et Jennie sont associées. Guillaume est leur tout nouvel employé. Avant de se lancer, encore faut-il commencer par le b.a.-ba: apprendre à gérer une négociation commerciale. Une partie loin d'être gagnée. Et ce n'est que le début des surprises...

Retrouvez chaque lundi les Lolicats, la 1ère websérie de on vous embarque pour treize épisodes, loufoques et inattendus ! Les 2 premiers épisodes sur

jeudi 5 mai 2011

Vanksen loves Lady GaGa : well done guys!

Dans le cadre du lancement de son prochain album « Born This Way », Vanksen accompagne Lady Gaga et Polydor pour le lancement de ainsi que dans la conception et la gestion d'une campagne UGC (user generated content) à l'intention du public francophone !

Lady Gaga s'adresse directemment à ses fans et leur propose de gagner 30 places pour un showcase privé à Paris en interprétant à leur sauce, un extrait de son morceau phare "Born This Way" en le faisant rimer avec "French This Way".

Pour donner le coup d'envoi des « Little Monster Video Awards », Vanksen lance sa propre vidéo en y faisant participer aussi bien certains collaborateurs de l'agence parisienne mais aussi des amis comme Maxime Barbier de MinuteBuzz ou Cyril Paglino de Wizee!

Reprenant l'univers de la chanteuse, mais aussi l'univers social media qui l'accompagne, ce clip, bien évidemment hors concours, veut inciter les fans de Lady Gaga à participer massivement à l'opération.

Partenaires de Vanksen pour l'opération : Les Tanukis

dimanche 1 mai 2011

25 Abandoned Yugoslavia Monuments that look like they're from the Future | Crack Two

Petrova Gora
Ilirska Bistrica
Sanski Most

Better than The King's Speech... The President's Speech (obama viral video)

At the 2011 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, President Barack Obama jokes about a sequel to the film the King's Speech that hits closer to home. The President offers a sneak peak of the parody at the annual event.

Jeudi 5 mai, ne maquez pas TechCrunch France Recipes à l'ESCP !

TechCrunchFranceRecipes1 Un programme de qualité autour de l'innovation, du web et de l'entreprenariat. Inscrivez vous dès aujourd'hui! :

14h30 Keynote 1 : Les modèles économiques pour l’industrie de la musique en ligne


14h45 Keynote 2 : Les conseils pour améliorer l’écosystème hi-tech en France

15h00 Panel 1 : Les exits en France et en Europe

15h45 Interview : Pourquoi quitter son pays pour créer une société en France

16h Panel 2 : Initiatives et tactiques pour aider les startups au démarrage

17h15 Interview : La France, un marché pour les me-too ?

17h30 Panel 3 : Quelles innovations pour la gastronomie, la rencontre et la mode en ligne ?

18h15 Keynote 3: Comment devenir un acteur majeur en France/Europe ?

18h30 Keynote 4 : Comment pivoter sa startup ?