jeudi 31 mai 2012

Here's A Terrifying Chart For Those Hoping For Lots More Growth In Online Advertising

It used to be that big time executives at companies like Yahoo, AOL, and Facebook could explain away ad revenues that weren't big enough or growing fast enough by pointing out that so far, online ad spending has not been proportional to the amount of time consumers were spending online, and that this was bound to change, and when it did, boom times were ahead.
The argument was: New York ad buyers are way behind the times, and they just don't get it yet.
Well, don't look now, but according to this chart Mary Meeker's latest presentation on the state of the Web, Internet ad spending, 22% of total ad spend, has just about caught up with time spent online, 26%. That ratio is fairly comparable to old mediums like TV (43/42) and Radio (15/11). Just the last time Meeker gave this presentation, the ratio was 16/22.
Attention Facebook, Yahoo, and AOL execs: Your excuse has expired. Ad buyers are spending a commensurate amount of money on your medium as any other. Now your products have to perform better

samedi 12 mai 2012

FORD se met aux hologrammes avec la FORD B-MAX

Ford a décidé d'utiliser l'hologramme comme objet publicitaire... pour le lancement de Peerindex (un concurrent de Klout) propose aux "influents" de recevoir cet hologramme :

vendredi 11 mai 2012

[Facebook] Pour être lu par tous ses amis, il faudra payer ?

Payer pour devenir un peu plus populaire auprès de ses amis… C’est en somme le nouveau concept que Facebook est actuellement en train de tester, selon plusieurs blogs américains spécialisés. Baptisée « Highlight », cette nouvelle fonctionnalité permettrait, en effet, aux membres du réseau de booster la visibilité de leurs statuts auprès de leurs amis. ne option qui pourrait connaître un certain succès, ou non, auprès des utilisateurs les plus narcissiques. En effet, depuis la mise en place du mode Timeline, en moyenne, seuls 12% de vos amis voient apparaître vos changements de statut sur leur fil d’actualité. Selon les informations connues aujourd’hui, deux modes de l’option « Highlight » seraient actuellement testés : l’un gratuit pour évaluer si les utilisateurs sont intéressés, l’autre payant proposant ce nouveau service pour deux dollars.

Microsoft Just Blew Google Away In Social Search


Microsoft is adding a new Sidebar to Bing search that shows your contacts and activity on all your social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and — yes — Google+.
Google drew a lot of fire earlier this year by integrating information from Google+ into search results.
The big problem with this is that Google doesn't offer info from other social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, as prominently. And some data from those networks isn't available through Google at all because Google didn't sign the business deals it needs to get them. Microsoft did. And it's using this access to trump Google in social search.

mardi 8 mai 2012

Le Nevada autorise la «Google car» qui se conduit toute seule

A new digital community - Jimmy Choo 247

It's interesting to see how fast luxury brands get used to new standards of digital communication and marketing. More than 360° communication, important thing today is to share a maximum of experience with your audience, your fans, your consumers... It's in this objective that Jimmy Choo launched only few days ago a special micro website converging with all digital social networks and technologies available : Jimmy Choo 247. First of all Jimmy Choo 247 is a line's brand, but today is an open and collaborative platform. After a first registration via email or with a Facebook account (ideal to create a database), people can publish pictures from their looks in Jimmy Choo, shoes and bags are welcome. From New-York to Tokyo, passing by Los-Angeles, Paris or Beijing, all big cities are getting in Jimmy Choo. From showcases to the street, from the street to "digital showcases", it's really an excellent laboratory for trends and a good branding making. Still only one uncertainty, we don't know in the long run, what will happen with all these new tools. More info :

lundi 7 mai 2012

At DDB Casablanca

The Sound Machine : Nes Coffee good example of offline interactive advertising

Nes (Coffee) just created a great guerilla marketing action in Paris (by Marcel Agency) including real interactivity with the audience. Simple and fun, to reach a youth target. More info :

Tumblr Boasts Rapid Growth and New Advertising Opportunities


Tumblr is heavy on consumer engagement. According to a February report from comScore, web users worldwide who visited Tumblr spent, on average, 89 minutes on the site during January 2012. This, of course, pales in comparison to Facebook’s whopping 405 minutes, yet when compared with Twitter’s 21 minutes, it’s evident that Tumblr users are actively engaged with the platform’s content. comScore data from January 2012 showed that US unique visitors to Tumblr grew significantly from November 2010 to 2011. Over the course of a year, Tumblr garnered an additional 9 million unique visitors, reaching nearly 16 million unique visitors by November 2011.

dimanche 6 mai 2012

We are in culture not sales...

Another great presentation of Helge Tenno... The real impact & challenge of Internet is not about technology but about perspective... Stop focusing on marketing to consumers before they buy... post purchase marketing is key... the product is an invitation to the marketing relationship.

jeudi 3 mai 2012

En route pour Casablanca...

CHART OF THE DAY: How Much Money Facebook Gets From You?


How much money is Facebook getting from you?
On average in 2011, it generated $4.34 per user from advertising, according to its IPO roadshow. Depending on where you live it could be more or it could be less as you can see in this chart.
(If you are spending money on Facebook games, then it's going to be more than what's on this chart.)

In Twizy mode

mercredi 2 mai 2012

Week end In the mountains...

Moderation de 2 sessions Facebook Opengraph avec Greg Pouy pour BrandMinistry

Rendez-vous ce soir à la table-ronde de Brand Ministry sur Facebook

Ce soir j'aurai le plaisir de modérer une des 2 sessions prévues lors de cet évènement organisé par Une occasion d'en savoir plus sur le suivi et la mesure de vos campagnes Facebook, l'intérgration du OpenGraph sur votre site et vos applications mobiles, ou comment générer du trafic en magasin depuis le web social?

Global webindex Asia Päcific usage applications - March 2012

This study is a deep dive into a comparison between markets globally and APAC, with some trends in social media, online and mobile for the APAC region.

CHART OF THE DAY: Internet Advertising Is Less Than Half Of Television

The IAB released its big report on internet advertising. One data point it bragged about was, "Internet advertising surpasses Cable TV in ad revenue." It also showed that the Internet was only $7 billion behind broadcast TV advertising.
While that's certainly a nice milestone for the web, the truth is that taken as a whole, the Internet still badly lags the TV industry. As you can see here, the Internet is less than half of the total ad spend on TV