mardi 16 janvier 2007

FRANCE24.COM attracts an amazing audience from its start!

Logo_france24_1Ok, it seems, the new international channel is realy doing good in terms of audience. I am happy to see that the channel attracted more than 1,248,000 unique visitors in France in its first month, putting it straight off in 8th place for "Current Events & Global News websites"(1)... I guess maybe the international word of mouth action we organized for the TV channel in december to generate buzz before its launch played a small part in it ;)

The total number of page views on is in excess of 15 million. In addition, according to the FRANCE 24 traffic measurement tool, visitors to the channel's website come from 200 countries throughout the world. The geographical breakdown is 35% France, 26% U.S.A, 8% U.K. and 5% Canada, followed by Belgium, Germany, Morocco and Spain.

(1) Source: Médiamétrie//NetRatings –Nielsen//NetRatings Service - NetView – all rights reserved by Médiamétrie//NetRatings – December 2006

1 commentaire:

  1. Bonjour,
    merci pour les informations présentées sur votre blog concernant suis étudiante et prépare un mémoire sur cette chaîne et je souhaiterais savoir comment je pourrais avoir accés aux résultats de l'étude éfectuée par netrating/médiamétrie.Je vous remercie d'avance.
