jeudi 25 janvier 2007

Paris Blogue t'il VII & blog meeting in Lululand

Parisblogtil_parisIf you were in Paris tuesday night, you have maybe attempted the 7th edition of Paris Blog t'il, a bloggers meeting that gather between 200 and 300 bloggers each time such as Greg, Rmen, Ariel, Miss Bagatelles, Petite Anglaise, Nawal, Gilles, Jacques, Mry, une parisienne, Prland,...   I think this is one of the rare social opportunity where a 55 years old artist will meet and discuss with a 16 years old student, a 35 high tech entrepreneur or a french politician... Its is fun to remember the first organizers meeting I participated in 2 years ago with the simple idea of inviting bloggers from Paris to meet together that started Paris Blog t'il First Edition. I am happy that Culture-Buzz helped promoted the event from day 1 and still do, contributing to its success thanks too one of our collaborator. This time PBT VII invited Nicolas Hulot (interviewed by Nicolas Voisin here) to talk about environment and its Pacte Ecologique initiative.


Living in Luxembourg, I am now happy to announce that the same type of event will finally (after having waited too long for not finding enough time) take place here with Blogdelux, thanks to the initiative of some enthusiastic and motivated bloggers (Lola,..)and the support Culture-Buzz once again. The vast diversity of languages : portuguese, french, german, luxembourgish, italian,... is a real challenge. We will see how things are doing but looking at the bloggers feedback to us and media interest and despite few critics looking for attention (funny how some people who never organize a thing are always the first to say "it won't work", and always see evil) I am betting on interesting discussions. Join us saturday in Differdange (14pm, at bar l'AutrePart > pretty amazing place°.

1 commentaire:

  1. oui ! et tous les autres "..." que je ne veux surtout pas oublier !
    merci ! :)
    euh... pour la traduction en anglais... rrrhuuum ! :-/
    yes ! and the some others "..." especially, who we don't forget them !
    thank a lot for everything !
    ......... bon je fais ce que je peux ;)
