samedi 7 avril 2007

About Online Reputation... Hey Sarah!

Thank you to Christophe (who just have joined Vanksen/Culture-Buzz team few weeks ago) to have point me to this video...

WEB2.0 illustrates well how easy it is now for nearly everyone to publish photo and video online... but it is so easy that not everyone (and especially the youngest one) realize what potential hazards thet exposed themselves too now or in the future...

20 Minutes had already published a video on the future of blogs were they where imaginating a new job in the future : data erasor. I.E. someone paid to deleted old stories, pictures or video of you in the past that may stop you to have a job because they are embarassing and recruiters have found them via Google.

I think that blogging platform should (hello Olivier Creiche, if you are hearing me... when is it going to be possible for Typepad?) allow like Vox to determine for every content publish if it is public, for friends or family online... Alexis Mons posted some interesting thought about the question here regarding an interview of Jacques Froissant or here. Lets see if Charles Nouÿrit who just launched The Todeka Project
about online identity management will come up with solutions in a different way of Ziki.

1 commentaire:

  1. mouais... mais c'est bien d'en prendre conscience un jour, on passe tous par là de façon plus ou moins grave... mais je trouve tout aussi dramatique quand on expose la réputation d'un blogueur en pature sur le web, n'est-ce pas ??
