lundi 24 mars 2008

Diner avec les 10 prévisionistes de Jean-Michel Maurer

Jean-Michel Maurer de a invité 10 dirigeants à donner leurs prévisions pour 2008 au début de l'année :
- Laurent Esposito (son blog) - Directeur Internet chez Prisma Presse
- Jérôme Perani (son blog) - Senior Manager chez Tera Consultant
- Francis Lelong (son blog) - co-fondateur de TooFoot
- Come Sauval - co-fondateur de Helia
- Gregory Ogorek - co-fondateur de Brozengo
- Katya Thomas  - co-fondatrice BmyKey
- Jean-Yves Quentel - PDG fondateur de Voozici
- Simon Istolainen - co-fondateur de MyMajorCompany
- Laurent Vermot-Gauchy (son blog) - PDG fondateur de Crickee
- et moi même Emmanuel Vivier (son blog) - PDG de Vanksen Group (Culture Buzz, Buzz Paradise, Legitiname)

Après avoir joué à Nostradamus 2.0, l'heure était venue de nous rencontrer...le 19 mars au restaurant "Little Georgette", situé 9 Impasse Gombust , dans le 1er à Paris (01 40 20 09 28). Une très bonne adresse pour celles et ceux qui aiment pouvoir discuter au calme en dégustant des tapas assez originales...



vendredi 21 mars 2008

L@C (lunch at the circle) with Gifford Morley-Fletcher, Strategy Director, Skive

Last week I had the pleasure to accept Per Karlsson to join the members of l@c for an interesting lunch at Macéo, 15, rue des Petits Champs, Paris 1er (nice private room upstairs). The guest speaker of the day was Gifford Morley-Fletcher, Strategy Director of Skive. Gifford was presenting strategies for success in promoting your business on the internet in the next 18 months.

"SEO is one of the buzz words that basically just means “how do you get your site noticed by search engines and thus by customers”. It is critical for any web site to take into account how search engines rank web sites. It can, literally, be a matter of life and death for a business web site if you are on the first page or the tenth for search engine results. And it is not just a question of “build it and they will come”. You have to know how to attract search engines, and customers. The second aspect is that the increasing uptake of broadband has changed the way to build web sites and make people notice them – today you can offer “rich media”, video, animations, sound etc, in a way that was not possible just a few years ago.
And if you don’t believe that it’s important how you manage your web presence and think about how to appear from a search engine perspective, consider this: What do you think you will find if you do a Google search on “
miserable failure”? You’ll be surprised.


Gifford Morley-Fletcher has worked in New Media since 1994, making him a bit of a ‘web dinosaur’. He is currently based in London as Strategy Director at Skive, an award-winning digital strategy and design agency based in London, responsible for developing interactive web sites, games and promotions for brands such as Reebok, Playstation, McDonalds and Gillette. During his career, he has worked in all areas of web development and online marketing, most recently spending 4 years in Paris where he was a founder of LSF Interactive, specialists in SEO, Paid Search and online lead generation.

If you are interest in the L@C, have a look at its blog:

jeudi 20 mars 2008

Twitter addicts lunch in Paris

Lunch with a group of Twitter addicts (such as DamDam, Charles Liebert, Pierre Mawas, Philippe Jeudy, Cédric Giorgi from Goojet...) in Paris.



J'aime pas Olivier Martinez!!!

Comme de nombreux blogueurs choqués par l'attaque de Presse Citron par cet acteur :Otto, Alchymi, Stagueve, Olivier, Damien, ou Baptiste,... je confirme que je n'aime pas Olivier Martinez, pas son style, pas sa philosophie, ni ses films... Mais j'aime bien Eric Dupin et lui souhaite bonne chance. Eric, le web2.0 est avec toi!

Polo avec l'aide de Davidous (de la team Vanksen|Culture-Buzz) nous ont fait rapido une petite banner pour Cédric et Greg de BuzzParadise afin de soutenir Eric. N'hésitez pas à la relayer :

Soutenons le Presse-Citron !
Recommandé par des Influenceurs

mercredi 19 mars 2008

Taaz yourself : Make-up and haircut simulator!

After Greg, Gonzague or Presse Citron, I have decided to test the amzing Taaz online application. Ok I guess it is supposed to have been conceived for... ladies... but it is one of the best online application I have ever seen.

Taaz let you create very realistic haircut and makeup simulations in just a few clicks...


Je tague Jean-Michel Maurer, Croustiglam et BuzzisMedia


Un petit best of de mes dernières pérégrinations sur la toile :

En français:
- Kriegspiel», le wargame de Guy Debord en Jeux vidéo d'après l’adaptation d’une œuvre de l’écrivain inventée en 1965.
- Entertainment.2.0 : pourquoi l'UGC fait peur à la TV ? (par Vinvin)

In english
- Great examples of creative business cards
- Freeze mob... even in Luxembourg!
- Is Youtube going to kill Akamai?
- The world's 50 most powerful blogs
- After Note2be stopped in France (a website ranking professors in France), GoDaddy Silences Police-Watchdog Site, and Presse Citron (one of the top French Blogger) is sued regarding his Fuzz site (a digglike site). Hopefully many bloggers are supporting him... Web2.0 under fire?

jeudi 13 mars 2008

Eating at Drouant with Jean-Charles de Castelbajac

Wow, at lunch today I just had the pleasure to replace Greg (gone in Spain to speak at a conference) for an interesting lunch with Jean-Charles de Castelbajac at Drouant Restaurant (famous & symbolic because the jury of the prize in French literature Prix Goncourt are electing the winner there every December since 1903!!!).


No I didn't knew this famous French legend of fashion design before today... I was presently invited to be part of the jury with Anne Marie Sargueil (French Institue of Design), Benoit Laumaillé (Beaubourg Center & Printemps Design), Marie Jo Malait (Journalist), Simon Pillart (Munchausen), Françoise Flament (La Grande Epicerie du Grand Marché), Frédérick e. Grasser-Hermé (Food consultant), Nelly Manoukian (TBWA), Sylvia Vitale Rotta (Team Créatif), Hervé Geffroy (Monoprix), Sylvian Hantz (Designer), Amélie Vidal-Simi(Henkel), Anne Wallois (Henkel), Arnaud Plas (Henkel) and Jean-Renaud Lutt (Henkel) for the "Dessine moi Mir" campaign organized by Bernadette Vizioz with great talent for Henkel.


Yes Henkel, one of the representative companies of the old mass production industry and washing powder best salesmen has made the choice of creativity and 2.0. It is even already the second time that Henkel has invited more than 400 students of fashion, design, graphic... schools to compete and invent innovative designs for one of their most popular cleaning product in France : Mir. The operation was a great success last year : lots of creativity, a lot of exposure + money and fame for the students and lot of PR and a strong increase of the sales for Henkel's temporarily customized products!


The brand has chosen to renew the experiment the experience this year. 400 projects were first selected. After a preselection, we had to keep only 8 of them out of a selection of 49 today. The choice was really tough. Every student was offered a few minutes to present his creation to the jury that took a lot of enthusiasm in exchanging opinions and feedback... I just regretted that sometimes students were only taking care about design while totally forgetting to understand the brand DNA and spirit. Hopefully, many concepts were great, fresh and imaginative.


The 8 chosen ones will now be published on the Internet (the new website will be created by Vanksen|Culture-Buzz ;) ) in a few days and web users are going to select the best one, that will be really produced and sold everywhere in teh supermarket in France!

Quoted by The NewYork Times and The International Tribune...

Wow, nice to be quoted by The New York Times and therefore the International Herald Tribune about Sony BMG, latest guerilla action for the promotion of the 25th anniversary of “Thriller,” the Michael Jackson album.

mercredi 12 mars 2008

Ne ratez pas la soirées Sony Walkman & les Inrocks

Dans le cadre de la campagne "Don'tWalkAlone" que nous menons pour le Walkman de Sony, et du blog du même nom (qui propose un bestof de l'actu musicale), je vous invite à ne pas manquer la soirée "Parcours vite et reviens tard. DontwalkAlone".


Née d'un partenariat entre Sony et les Inrocks elle va vous proposer une soirée hallucinante partagée entre 3 lieux en même temps, reliés chacun via des navettes. Expos et Happenings, Dj de France et du Royaume-Uni (Fluokids, Cascasdeurs, Nil/Edbanger, Adam Kesher,...) il va falloir sortir vos ballerines et votre plus belle coupe Techtonik ;)


Ps : Il y a des places à gagner sur, avec les Inrocks et un certain nombre d'invitations pour les Buzzangels de notre plateforme

mardi 11 mars 2008

2-3 April : Speaking at Womsummit : Milan Word of Mouth Conference

On the 2nd and 3rd of April 2008, I am invited to speak and present at Milan Word of Mouth Marketing Summit :, thanks to the action of Luca Conti, our local agent for Italy. Justin Kirby from VBMA will be there too.... and I hope I will be able to meet Martina Zavagno from the famous blog (she is Italian)...

Italy is one of the country where we want to become more active with BuzzParadise...scoop : we are preparing a campaign for a trendy brand of perfume there...


This is just one of the many international conferences I will be speaking at during the coming weeks... It is a bit crazy but I am going to flight to Vienna, Johannesburg, Riga (Latvia) and Dubai just in April... And will have a quick jump back to Viennaa in mai... Word of mouth, buzz & viral marketing seem to be definitely a hot tobic on Marketers agenda for 2008.

Connections Improbables (Paris) : le 26 mars 2008

Le 26 mars je serai heureux de me joindre aux invité(e)s des "Connections Improbables", rencontres parisiennes qui mélangent des personnes d'horizons différents (jamais plus de 3 invités du même domaine)...


Plus d'info :

dimanche 9 mars 2008

Quand la politique est allergique à la liberté de la presse

Quelque soit mon opinion politique, j'ai été assez halluciné en tombant sur cette vidéo... Qui peux encore croire qu'à l'époque d'Internet certains croient encore changer les opinions ou limiter le partage de celle-ci avec de telles méthodes... Cela serait risible si ce n'était à pleurer... Maintenant il parait qu'on a le monde politique qu'on mérite...

vendredi 7 mars 2008

Paperjam Magazine lance sa webtv (Luxembourg)

Paperjam, le magazine de référence du business au Grand Duché de Luxembourg qui m'avait fait l'honneur de sa une il y a 2 mois, passe à la vitesse supérieure et lance


Décidemment le groupe de presse de Mike Koedinger ne cesse d'innover et montre que le Luxembourg est loin d'être à la traîne. Aux Etats-Unis par exemple, un des magazines les plus reconnus en management et innovation, FastCompany vient tout juste lui aussi de lancer, sa webtv avec Robert Scoble la semaine dernière...


jeudi 6 mars 2008

lundi 3 mars 2008

The Great Trafalgar Square Freeze

After Frozen Grand Central in NY...

London has organized a really nice "Frozen" event in Trafalgar Square....

Are you ready to take part in the Paris one... on the 8th of March...

or in Luxembourg?