lundi 12 mai 2008

When Words Collide : DDB speach in Cannes Advertising Festival 2007

While surfing on, I just came accross this interesting video shot during Cannes Advertising Festival 2007.
Matt Dyke, Worldwide Planning Director and Jeroen Matser, Senior Planner, discussed the new landscape of digital innovations converging with the physical world : RFID, interactive shoPping window, geotagging, gps marketing live localization, objects talking to each other, augmented reality, mobile innovations, live interactive game offline in a movie theater.

Lots of interesting examples... The barriers between digital and real world seems to be collapsing more and more... And you what do you think?

1 commentaire:

  1. Have you heard about Nokia's new goal? The CEO noted that they are moving from the market of the traditional manufacturer to that of an Internet company. As you said, barriers are breaking...
