mercredi 9 juillet 2008

Top links | 9th of July 2008 (Online Advertising)

Please find below some of the most interesting links I have been browsing the past days :

Online Advertising

  • "online ads would account for nearly 10% of all ad spending across all media in 2008, rising to 13.6% by 2011. Nearly one-fifth of Western European ad spending will be online by that time :
    - Online ads are more measurable than other media, making them increasingly appealing to advertisers.
    - The Internet audience is huge, so the simple process of advertising following eyeballs will lift spending.
    - Internet ad prices are rising, thanks to targeting and other techniques, which can push up overall spending."

  • Web Marketing Grows, but How Much?

  • Universal Ad Package Compliance
    Starting in August 2002, the Ad Sizes Task Force began a process to reduce the number of ad sizes for the purposes of reducing the costs and inefficiencies associated with the planning, buying and creating online media. The result was the Universal Ad Package, a set of four ad sizes that all compliant member publishers have agreed to support.

  • Check the detailed Screen Shots of Google's New Ad Planner and get more info here or here

  • And discover why it Shakes Up Web Analytics

  • Is Video seeding the future of mass media and tv (French)?

  • IAB Hedges Against FTC Involvement in Online Advertising

  • Flash content is now indexed by Google et Yahoo

  • Never mind the "P"s. Marketing has five elements according to Seth Godin:
    Data + Stories + Products (services) + Interactions + Connection

  • TV Product Placement Ain't Transparent Enough, Says WGA to FCC

  • What's Not to Like About Behavioral Targeting?

  • Lee Clow puts it this way: "Big ideas win, good ads don't."
    "What he means is that if you want the idea to serve as the backbone of successive campaigns over time, then you have to take it a step further. You need more than an advertising idea: you need a brand idea", explains Jean-Marie Dru is the chairman of TBWA Worldwide, an Omnicom network. "It is also ironic that the bigger he brands are, the less money they need to spend on internet advertising. The reputation of Nike attracts so much traffic to certain of its sites, such as Nike ID or Nike Air Force, that it barely needs to spend a cent online. Visits to its sites and links shared on community websites and blogs are more than enough for the brand to shine. Brands are becoming media. And it is easier for big brands to become a destination."

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