mardi 30 septembre 2008

Comment créer une bonne vidéo virale?

Dans le cadre du Festival du Film Viral que Vanksen organise avec Stratégies le 22 octobre, nous nous sommes amusés à résumer en une petite vidéo les ingrédients d'une vidéo virale à succès (évidemment à prendre au second degré) :

PS : les experts auront reconnu un clin d'oeil à la vidéo virale "dans la publicité"

PS2 : Merci à Baptiste R, consultant à l'agence pour nous avoir prêté sa voix ;)

vendredi 26 septembre 2008

BuzztheBrand : J-24 avant LA conférence sur le buzz marketing en France

Plus que 24 jours avant BUZZ THE BRAND, la plus grande conférence française sur le marketing du bouche à oreille, le marketing 2.0,...qui aura lieu du 20 au 24 octobre 2008. Les meilleurs experts français seront présents seront présents pour partger avec vous leur expertise, leur conseils et leurs études de cas... Si vous souhaitez communiquer de manière plus efficace, plus rentable, plus maline... alors inscrivez-vous vite!

Retrouvez ci-dessous quelques interviews de l'èvènement l'an passé :

Consultez les autres vidéos sur

mercredi 24 septembre 2008

The Economist invites the world to vote for Obama & McCain

I just found the great campaign created by The Economist in order to see what the rest of the world would be voting between Obama and McCain... The only small problem is when you have a look at Luxembourg... Instead of 500.000 inhabitants, the country, thanks to the renown magazine, is supposedly totalising 3.4 millions!!! i.e. more than 7 times too much... oups! Wow, in less than one day, The Economist already replied to my blog post and corrected the figures about Luxembourg's population on their site (and I am really not a big one compared to our other big blog Great reactivity... I wish we would see the same with media in France...


mardi 23 septembre 2008

Et encore un petit passage dans le magazine Paperjam avec Greg Pouy aussi...

Cover Décidemment, le magazine du business à Luxembourg, Paperjam, nous aime bien! Il me fait encore l'honneur de ses pages (dossier entreprenariat) ainsi qu'à Greg Pouy, notre responsable communication pour Vanksen, BuzzParadise et LegitiName (et blogueur invétéré)... qui nous explique que plus que le multimédia et la technologie, c'est d'abord l'interaction avec l'utilisateur qui compte (lire son article ici). Cool!



mardi 16 septembre 2008

mardi 2 septembre 2008

Top links | 2nd of Sept 2008 (On-Offline Advertising + Viral & WOM + Brand monitoring + Social media)

If you wonder what you may have been missing during the holidays about buzz, viral, blog, social media and web 2.0 marketing, here is a small recap of the best articles, posts and links I have been gathering in august....

Online Advertising
- Ad networks surge and CPMs plunge
- The latest study of Bain & Company in coordination with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) about digital ad pricing
- AB numbers ignite ad network controversy : Who is to blame for falling CPMs, and which ad network gives marketers the reach they crave?
- Ad Skipping is going to get worse. Court Paves the Way for DVR Home Invasion -- and Potential Ad Evasion
- Live journal launch a new blogs ad banner format
- Google Endows Marketers with Search Insights and makes Search Engine Marketing easier :
- How to bridge the Digital Gap and keep ahead. Brand-Building Principles Have Changed, but It's Now Easier Than Ever to Understand Consumers
- Advertising and casual gaming, it is all about advertainment!

Offline Advertising
- R/GA Expands Into Branding Biz, Taking on Traditional Players : Agency Launches Division With the Idea That Digital Increasingly Influences How Consumers See Brands.
- Some Ad Tactics Don't Age. Why 9 Out of 11 Ogilvy Commandments Still Ring True Four Decades Later
- The tyranny of the big idea
- A study about the relationship between Advertisers and agencies and one about relationships between advertisers and interactive agencies (French)

Word of mouth, buzz, seeding, influential and viral marketing
- Marketers Love Conversation, Unless the Consumer Starts It. Listening Gets You More Than Complaints -- You Get Positive Brand Association and Word of Mouth.
- In YouTube World, Humor Can Get Lost in Translation. US Marketers Learn That Ads Made for Consumers Overseas Can Still Offend American Sensibilities
- The PR industry still don’t get it with bloggers (in French), maybe they should start reading Ogilvy's 7 Tips on Pitching Bloggers, their Executive Bloggers Guide, their blog or their collection of feeds from some of the most influential blogs out there.

Brand Reputation and buzz monitoring
- The future of Internet is all about reputation (in French)
- Bzzagent partners with Attensity, a buzz monitoring and text mining solution
- 6 New Social Media Tools to track Brand Reputation

Community management & social media
- A good article about the difficulties in defining a efficient rewarding system for your community
- Yahoo created a framework to define and rank reputation in a community. More info here and here.
- Online community best practices by Forrester
- How to Measure Social Media ROI for Business
- Is a social network right for your brand?
- Build branded widgets
- 9 ways to build your own social network :
- Is Blogosphere becoming boring?
- Blogs seem to be much more business efficient that traditional media : With an editorial staff of about 700 people LA Times produces 127 million page views a month, while Gawker claims to create 254 million page views a month with 8- staff only! Silicon Alley Insider published this list of traffic for their sites: Gizmodo 73.5m, Kotaku 44.3m, Lifehacker 25.6m, Gawker 18.9m, Fleshbot 17.4m, Jezebel 15.5m, Consumerist 13.7m, Jalopnik 13.4m, Deadspin 12.6m, io9 8.8m, Defamer 6.4m, Valleywag 3.3m

And offcourse, Google is launching Chrome, its own "browser"!

I hope these few links will be useful, feel free to send me yours...

lundi 1 septembre 2008 just launched...


Have a look at our latest work for Play : Givenchy new flagrance with Justin Timberlake : Don't miss the cool music mixer and try to win a record session in a real music studio or a bottle of this new perfume...