FannysParty Filles / June 2007
Vidéo envoyée par culturebuzz
Video de la FannysParty Filles de Juin 2007. More info :
Video de la FannysParty Filles de Juin 2007. More info :
If you don't know the differences and advantages of whole against silk, if you don't know what is a super 130, or why choosing coton over flax... you should have come with me to a workshop organized by Smuggler for a selection of "happyfew" executives. Indeed this brand of "sur mesure" suits and shirts have decided to adopt a marketing 2.0 approach by inviting some ambassadors to learn about the art of making a perfect suit.
The men of my group were therefore delighted to have a detailled crash course about textile the other night... Next workshop will be on betatesting their future website and application (don't look at their old website It seems Smuggler is working really hard to understand customers expectations and to look forward including them very early in the marketing process... good job! I will let you know about the coming steps of this marketing experiment...which I hope will be as successful as the one of "English Cut" thanks to the talent of Hugh Mc Leod aka Gapingvoid. Thanks again to Benjamin for his patience and his passion...
More photos on my Flickr...
After a new 900m2 office in Luxembourg, that's right, Vanksen|Culture-Buzz, BuzzParadise & LegitiName teams in Paris have just moved to an amazing new cool office (still in "Cité Paradis" but #1bis now). Wood, brick, and stone,... yep, it is amazing how much a working environment can influence your mood... get ready for the coming party...
mThe 9th edition of the bloggers meeting in Paris "Paris Blog t'il" was very succesful with a nice atmosphere (thanks to the champagne offered for the launch of BlogBang?). Most of the blogogeoisie was there... More photos on my Flickr...
Thanks to Petite Anglaise I just discovered "Four Eyed Monsters", a really cool movie on YouTube (available there until Aug. 15th). But the beauty is that the 2 film makers are illustrating the principle of cocreation or cofinancing by inviting everyone to take part into the financing... Welcome in a new era of talent where everything is becoming of the "power of us".
600 web professionnals are gathering today thanks to Electronic Business Group... Internet is definitely on a high trend nowadays... (and I am not talking about the recent purchase of Duke or Business Interactif...)
••• LYRICS •••
Every evening when I wake up,
I log my brain on my new life
It's made of moving images on a flat screen
That I can't touch, smell nor feel.
I gave my life to youtube
I gave my live to a company, and I'm proud
I gave my life to youtube
I gave my live to a company, and I'm proud
I don't go out
But I can upload a video
It makes me feel so creative
Until I remember I'm only a sheep.
I give my opinion
"O.M.G. this is awesome"
I need everyone to read it
Cause I'm desperate for a little attention.
I like to watch homemade videos
Most of the time they suck real bad
But I give them a good rating
Cause I feel just like other loosers like me.
And at the end all that remains
Is a bunch of empty souls living at their desks,
One day I hope I'll go outside
And live everything I saw on youtube.
Professor Diana Derval, author of the Book "wait marketing" has accepted to be buzzcasted by Vanksen/Culture-Buzz France, buzz & communication agency (Ok the light sucks :( but at least the sound is good)). If you are curious and would like to know more, visit Diana's blog here :
... or download the 1st chapter for free in french by clicking on the banner below...
NB : Diana will launch her book in the USA, by using BuzzParadise services!
Tonight I will meet many marketing & avertising bloggers in Paris thanks to the Blogger agency party organized by Cyril (Ogilvy) at La Suite. The registred bloggers are :
Gaetan Duchateau //
Samuel Dumas //
Cedric Gorrias //
Jean-Baptiste Plantin //
Oscar Ugaz //
David Velten //
Eric Di Pol //
Wai Ming LUNG //
Cyril Rimbaud //
Cyrille Chaudoit //
fedra Djelassi //
Emmanuel Vivier //
Sarah Hémar //
thomas Rousselot //
Henri Resse //
Antoine Heftler //
Eric Maillard //
Jean Philippe Sainsot //
Fred Wandres //
Xavier LESUEUR //
Stanislas Magniant //
Aziz Haddad //
Sophie Noel //
Antony Hamelle //
Adrien Heron //
Baptiste Roynette //
Mermet Olivier //
Alex Gaudin //
Charlotte Defaye //
Guillaume du Colombier // http://sendtofriend.blogspot
Damien Anfroy /// Czarnecki /// /
Raybaud /// href="">
More info on
Pour bosser et me tenir informé:
Pour gérer mon réseau
Pour gérer mes photos, video, etc
Pour communiquer
Pour bloguer:
Pour faire mon marketing 2.0:
Pour me déplacer: Et vous? Je passe la balle à Grégory Pouy, Juan, Gonzague et LadyV.
Vanksen/Culture-Buzz was animating a word of mouth marketing conference in Paris with the EBG (Electronic Business Group). Guests were BPI(Beauté Prestige International), Coca cola, 118-218 and Choc Magazine. It was great to see so many people there for a launch break seminar...Buzz and word of mouth definitely seem to become a major subject for brands in France...
Fond more pics on my Flickr...
Find many other fun and non politically correct ecards here : (thanks Stef)
Last Friday, I was delighted to see one of my favorite modern painter, "Kokian" visiting us in Luxembourg for a nice exhibition of his latest paintings in Leslies' Art Gallery in Bridel.
If you don't already know Kokian, have a look at his website that show the whole of his artistic talent...
NB : Kokian has just been selected by Challenge Magazine, Beaux Arts Magazine & Artprice as one of the top 1000 artists who make the artistic market in the world!
I am sometimes so bored by applications we receive everyday at the agency... So many people say they are creative but their cv just look like thousands other ones... Just below I discovered a very nice example on how to stand out from the crowd while looking for a creative job... Well done Marie and good luck for you job quest! I bet by using youtube, you cv can really become viral...
Sources :
- Le blog CMYK
Good or bad, sex is very likely to generate some buzz. Just ask Bic for his shaver
or to Elave with its nothing to hide campaign...
Offcourse not all brands may have a real interest in using it, but if like this band (Thanks Georges ;) )you don't care about provocation and be seen as male chauvinist, why not using sex and get people react.
I really enjoy advertising when sometimes it does really foster emotions and surprise. This spot for is nearly as good as a short film...
Via via via
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Si vous aussi vous avez envie de vous croire avec le compte en banque de Bill Gates, allez faire un tour sur la première campagne Buzz de Vanksen/Culture-Buzz en Suisse pour le journal 24 Heures, le quotidien Vodois ou générez votre fausse page de news directement depuis cette banner :
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Fred Cavazza (one of the most influential french blogger regarding Web2.0 and Second Life) has organized a really cool bloggers and webaddicts meeting yesterday night : Called Yulbiz (in reference of a similar type of party in Montreal).
It was a very cool opportunity to meet around a drink with many interesting people in a very nice spot : Urbi et Orbi. More photos on my flickr...