vendredi 25 juillet 2008

LaBrute : Le jeu viral qui cartonne

Depuis 10 jours un véritable engouement est visibles à travers la blogosphère et Twitter autour d'un advergame simple et sympathique particulièrement addictif.


Faites un saut sur, créez votre personnage et affrontez les autres combattants à coups de haches ou de poings dans un style manga.

Bien que simple, certains détails rendent ce jeu particulièrement viral :
- règles très simples, recruter des disciples vous permet de progresser plus vite,
- les pouvoirs hérités au fur et à mesure des combats rendent votre personnage plus unique (customisation) et vous vous y attachez donc plus (un peu comme les tamagotchis),
- une durée de jeu très rapide (casual game) : 2 à 3 minutes pour chaque partie,
- la limitation à 3 combats par jour ce qui créé la frustration et donc une certaine envie ;)

mardi 22 juillet 2008

10 Marketing & Business Trends to watch

Trend # 1 : PCs are the new TV
Ore than One-Third of Entertainment Consumed on PCs. Indeed according to this study, Content consumed on desktop and laptop computers is responsible for :
- 30% of all entertainment time spent listening to audio content, including music, podcasts and recorded books
- 48% of all entertainment time spent watching video content, such as TV shows, full-length film and short videos
- 37% of all entertainment time spent reading print content, including newspapers, magazines and books
“Communitainment,” the social activities that support online entertainment content, also is on the rise among Internet users, Netpop said. Among 13-34-year-olds, 60% regularly engage in at least one of the communitainment activities measured in the study, spending an average of 78 minutes per weekday. Those activities include interactive activities such as posting comments about a favorite TV show or recommending a new album to a friend.

Trend #2 : Theory is over : The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete
In this great Wired article,Chris Anderson declares the ned of theory! With the amazing amount of data available, it is now possible to determine trends without creating a model, that most of the time is inaccurate.

Trend #3 : The "Participation Premium": Participation is the new currency
In one of his latest posts, Robert Scoble came up with a great point about the value of social currency.

Trend #4 : Digital complement more than replace traditional advertising channels
A new ‘Integrated Marketing Media Mix’ Study explains that “Digital media ranging from the firmly established email to the nascent mobile marketing channels are complementing - not replacing - direct mail, telephone, events, and direct response broadcast advertisements,”...

Trend #5 : The mismatch problem :  Do you hire people based on the measuring the wrong variables?
Check out this great video of Malcolm Gladwell (The Tipping Point) discussing the shortcomings of today's hiring practices. He cites examples of professional sports that conduct "combines" where teams measure the performances of prospects in the hopes of drafting the future stars. Guess what: this method doesn't work. Jobs--of all types--are more complex, and the desire for certainty increases but is manifested in measuring the wrong things. Via

Trend #6 : Is the democratisation of news media another Web 2.0 myth
I am all convinced that web2.0 has made many media capabilities available to much more people than before. This articles strongly disagrees...

Trend#7 : free is much more powerful than a discount
In this article discover how "FREE" might be much more efficient in defining a discount for a product...Wired was already Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business a few months ago...

Trend#8 : in the USA, online spending now exceeds TV/radio/movies for the first time ($98.5 billion). 
Spending on total US advertising and marketing will grow 3.9 percent in 2008 to reach $412.4 billion, with the advertising portion reaching $249.1 billion, according to the third annual ad spending report by Outsell, Inc., which said growth has declined from 2007's 5.8 percent, MarketingCharts reports.
The fastest-growing of all ad types is online, which is expected to grow 12.3 percent in 2008 to $105.3 billion (or $40.2 billion excluding advertisers' spending on their own sites).

Trend #9 : Marketers Are The New Record Labels
Based on a NY Times article, PSFK explains that "Brands and companies are taking on the role of record label as the old model of music distribution continues to die. Proctor & Gamble, Nike, Red Bull, Unilever, Converse and Bacardi are all forming relationships with artists and providing payment, publicity and distribution for their songs. It becomes a win-win situation as the musicians get paid well to continue their work, and the brands share the limelight generated"

Trend #10 : Best successful digital strategy : BE NICE
It might look simplier than it is, but one of the best way to succeed in a 2.0 world is just 2 words long : BE NICE!

dimanche 20 juillet 2008

Top links | 21st of July 2008 : email & social media productivity

Do email and social media eat too much of your time? at work? Then you had better to read the following articles about email & social media management:

- Info Overload: The Problem
- How to Stay Informed While Avoiding the Attention Crash
- Info Overload: What Can We Do?
- Get Productive with Social Media (and Stay Sane)
- Wikis, a solution to replace emails?
- Five Methodologies to Deal with Email Overload
- Improve your email management with Xobni, a really nice software plugin for Outlook


mercredi 16 juillet 2008

Culture-Buzz in chinese nearly ready!

All the Vanksen team is working hard to launch the "Chinese version" of, our agency's blog on buzz, viral and innovative communication. Be a bit patient and check in a few days!


samedi 12 juillet 2008 viral campaign for Paltak : Still growing strong!

I am always amazed by the growing success of the news3online viral campaign we (with Vanksen) conceived in the USA for the promotion of Paltalk video chat platform. Check for yourself : Paltalk_viral_video

More than 300 blogs have already adopted the personalized viral video...


...and more than 2.000.000 visits and still growing with more than 160.000 visted pages / day yesterday!

This type of path shows you how important it is to be able to carefully setup the hosting and emailing capabilities if your viral campaigns. Just imagine that people using the module forwarding, therefore are sending more than 80.000 emails/day (the forward ratio is an amazing 60%)! Nearly one email is send every second of the day by our viral platform (thanks again for the amazing work of our vanksen IT team lead by Alain ;) ).


vendredi 11 juillet 2008

Top links | 10th of July 2008 (Brand Reputation + Viral & WOM)

Please find below some of the most interesting links I have been browsing the past days :

Brand reputation & monitoring

  • The most reputable company in America is Google, which toppled Microsoft from the top perch in the 2007 Harris Interactive Reputation Quotient study released today -- and sent it tumbling all the way down to No. 10. Google, which wasn't even on the list four years ago, came in first, with a score of 81.85. Google's victory shows that a company that spends nothing on advertising can still be the most positively perceived by consumers. According to the study, 71% of consumers said the reputation of corporate America is either "not good" or "terrible."

  • 4 tools to check your online visibility (french)

  • The X Factor: Is buying your brand name a losing battle?

  • Nextedia launches Smalltalks, a Web 2.0 monitoring tool (French)

Viral, buzz & Word of Mouth Marketing

mercredi 9 juillet 2008 : Google lance un concurrent à Second Life!

Plus d'info :


- Sur TechCrunch

Top links | 9th of July 2008 (Online Advertising)

Please find below some of the most interesting links I have been browsing the past days :

Online Advertising

  • "online ads would account for nearly 10% of all ad spending across all media in 2008, rising to 13.6% by 2011. Nearly one-fifth of Western European ad spending will be online by that time :
    - Online ads are more measurable than other media, making them increasingly appealing to advertisers.
    - The Internet audience is huge, so the simple process of advertising following eyeballs will lift spending.
    - Internet ad prices are rising, thanks to targeting and other techniques, which can push up overall spending."

  • Web Marketing Grows, but How Much?

  • Universal Ad Package Compliance
    Starting in August 2002, the Ad Sizes Task Force began a process to reduce the number of ad sizes for the purposes of reducing the costs and inefficiencies associated with the planning, buying and creating online media. The result was the Universal Ad Package, a set of four ad sizes that all compliant member publishers have agreed to support.

  • Check the detailed Screen Shots of Google's New Ad Planner and get more info here or here

  • And discover why it Shakes Up Web Analytics

  • Is Video seeding the future of mass media and tv (French)?

  • IAB Hedges Against FTC Involvement in Online Advertising

  • Flash content is now indexed by Google et Yahoo

  • Never mind the "P"s. Marketing has five elements according to Seth Godin:
    Data + Stories + Products (services) + Interactions + Connection

  • TV Product Placement Ain't Transparent Enough, Says WGA to FCC

  • What's Not to Like About Behavioral Targeting?

  • Lee Clow puts it this way: "Big ideas win, good ads don't."
    "What he means is that if you want the idea to serve as the backbone of successive campaigns over time, then you have to take it a step further. You need more than an advertising idea: you need a brand idea", explains Jean-Marie Dru is the chairman of TBWA Worldwide, an Omnicom network. "It is also ironic that the bigger he brands are, the less money they need to spend on internet advertising. The reputation of Nike attracts so much traffic to certain of its sites, such as Nike ID or Nike Air Force, that it barely needs to spend a cent online. Visits to its sites and links shared on community websites and blogs are more than enough for the brand to shine. Brands are becoming media. And it is easier for big brands to become a destination."

lundi 7 juillet 2008

News@VanksenGroup (legitiName + Vanksen|Culture-Buzz + BuzzParadise)

Elected "2nd most creative entrepreneur of the Year" in Luxembourg

I have been elected "2nd most creative entrepreneur of the Year" during the The CYEL 2008 Award Ceremony in Luxembourg on friday...


Wow cool! Even if I should share this title with Xavier Lesueur, my business partner and all the Vanksen team. I won't have received it without their intense efforts and big talent to face the challenging growth we are living in 2008 with VanksenGroup... And bravo to Xavier Buck (EuroDns) who won and to Sylvain Zimmer (Jamendo) who ranked 3rd...
Luxembourg is definitely a small and amazing place that really welcome foreign entrepreneurs and talents and motivate them to stay and grow their business...