samedi 21 octobre 2006

Open BC France : 3rd Birthday Party

Openbc_1The social network OpenBc, now rebranded as Xing (to be pronounced "cross-ing), was organizing a party last Saturday night in Paris at Le Cab to celebrate its 3rd birthday. Invited by Yann Mauchamp, OpenBc Country Manager for France, we had a jump with Greg and Swedish in Paris (if you are looking for someone smart speaking french, english and swedish,.. she is looking for a job...).

Swedish_jeremy_dumont_charles_nouyrit Swedish_in_paris

Among the nearly 500 people there, we came across Charles (exhausted by his new job in Fullsix), the Gaspanik Team (cool webtv, you should check it out), Richard (who espace from his work regarding the "Blog Emploi Challenge"), Peewee, Charles Nouyrit (now working for Group Reflect), Carlos Diaz, Laurent (ready to start a new business) Sophie, Julien, and Jeremy Dumont (crazy networker who organizes the Aperos Du Jeudi). Yann_mauchamp_greg_pouy

3 commentaires:

  1. I was also there, and if english is required, i'd like to say that the "cab" was a great place, but during the "open bar" period, it was overcrowded...

  2. Cette photo vraiment, tu aurais pu éviter :-)
    This picture,really you could have avoid it...

  3. It was cool seeing you and the other à this party.
    Greg, don't worry for this picture, you should look at the one I took of you ;)
