lundi 30 janvier 2006

Netizen : blogs have their own magazine (France)

Netizen_blog_magazineI was delighted to attempt the launch of the first French printed magazine dedicated to blogging few days ago. Netizen (site) has just been launched by Christophe Ginisty, already known in the french blogosphere for

The launch party has been a real success with the presence of numerous bloggers like Jacques, Rodrigo, Mry, Marie, Vinvin, Bettina, Rmen, Miss Blablabla, Scally, Ekzit, Christophe, Nawal, Charles, une blondeFred de Mai from Potinblog, Fubiz, Nicolas. One part of our Culture-Buzz team was there off course with Very, Galienni and myself. There was nearly only few known members of the french blogosphere missing : Fanny, Folie, Anina (too busy swimming?), Gregory and Adrien (traveling in Brazil).

5 commentaires:

  1. Seems to be a nice party, i didn't took the time to buy the magazine, i've read some criticism these last few days, it seems to be very interesting !
    What is your point of view ?
    Thanks for the dedicace ;-)

  2. Hello,
    Je crois que c'est toi l'ami de Schuey qui est sur le luxembourg...
    Je bosse pas mal sur le CRM... Es-tu intéressé pour qu'on en discute???

  3. Hello Brav,
    Les amies de Schuey sont mes amies et j'imagine que ça marche aussi avec les amis ;-) N'hésite pas à me contacter...

  4. Je pense qu'on va aller prendre une bière au Marx mercredi soir... see U there?
