After over 10 years with my feet to the fire as cofounder, I’ve decided to resign my function as Chief Strategy Officer of Vanksen (I will, however, remain a shareholder). And as the agency celebrates 10 years in existence, I can finally – and serenely – take a short break before tackling my next project. Naturally, I’ll continue my active participation in organising workshops or conferences, such as Marketing 2.0 Conference, which takes place from 28-29 March and to which I warmly invite you.
Thanks to the talents of our colleagues, and a strong determination to innovate the world of communication (buzz, social media, e-reputation, blogging, integrated comm strategy), and
generous investment from solid investment partners, Vanksen today is an agency that’s made a name for itself among many. It’s also beautifully positioned to accompany big brands toward success in the years to come. Don’t hesitate to contact them for your upcoming campaign; or at least take a few moments out of your day to browse Culture Buzz, the agency blog and its forecast for marketing trends in 2011.
The decision I’ve made has had three months to mature and take shape, and I’ve made it in friendly accord with my associate Xavier Lesueur, who remains CEO of Vanksen. I have complete faith in the managers we’ve brought together - Damien Ricci, Director of Vanksen Paris, Jérémy Coxet, David Pihen, Director de Vanksen Geneva, among others – and Vanksen’s 90+ employees’ ability to bear the torch.
Our broad array of clients speaks nicely to their expertise and creativity (counsel, creation, execution, e-reputation) in the advertising world.
So I thank all the colleagues, clients, partners and friends who accompanied us in our adventures. To call it intense would be a euphemism, and if any adjective could reliably be used to describe the last 10 years, it would hardly do that time justice.
I’ll keep you abreast of my upcoming projects. While waiting, keep up with me on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. For the weeks to come, you can contact me via email at emmanuel.vivier @, or at my new mobile number: +33 6 11 62 37 94.
For questions, don’t hesitate to contact either myself, Xavier Lesueur or Stephan Schwarz, our director of communications.
Posted via email from Emmanuel Vivier' blog: Buzz, Digital, Viral & social media marketing expert
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