mercredi 19 décembre 2007
lundi 17 décembre 2007 & its viral video in Luxembourg
Luxembourg is finally adopting buzz & viral marketing too. We were delighted with Vanksen|Culture-Buzz to conceive and launch this campaign...
Buzz, viral marketing, and word-of-mouth: what’s the difference?
Word-of-mouth marketing comprises a number of different measures: buzz marketing, viral marketing, influencer marketing, street marketing, user generated content and so on. These new approaches are often confounded, although even if they are complementary other they are also quite different. I will give a brief overview of these new approaches so that you know what you are talking about when conducting your next marketing 2.0 campaign…
Buzz marketing, engagement marketing, P2P marketing, permission marketing, alternative marketing, direct marketing, viral marketing, marketing 2.0… lately we have been positively invaded by a mass of terms to designate word-of-mouth marketing… and I am frequently asked what the difference is between buzz marketing and viral marketing. In the following I will explain these new marketing measures whose success seems to remain undisputed, in times in which consum-actors are not only a marketing target but also a potential relay for your communication actions.
To begin with, there is word-of-mouth. This form of communication between two people (about brands, products and services, among other things) is of course not a new phenomenon. What is new is the power, the range and the speed which word-of-mouth has gathered with the arrival of the internet and more recently with social media, blogs and video platforms…
On the internet, any information, no matter if in form of image, text or video, can from now on virtually instantaneously be reacted to and it can be propagated to a huge number of people, without any geographical limits. Formerly word-of-mouth was restricted to a certain number of family members, neighbours or colleagues. Today any internet user can profit from communication tools of a hitherto unequalled power.
In the last years, more and more brands have become aware of the power of this phenomenon. First experiments with word-of-mouth marketing like those by Hotmail, Budweiser or Blair Witch Project have now evolved to thought-through strategies for relaying a message, a video… via internet users, who themselves have become a media. Below follows a brief explanation of these new marketing approaches:
Viral Marketing is one of them. It is about facilitating the transmission of a message from one person to another. In spite of its rather scaring name, reminding one of computer viruses, viral marketing is harmless. The idea is that it works like a cold, “infecting” one person who in turn will infect other persons and so on, thus creating an exponential dynamic.
To do this, instead of interrupting people as does traditional advertising (where the audience is forcibly exposed to an advertising message), you have to offer internet users content that is so original, amusing, surprising or interesting that they will want to pass it on to others. A module that is too obviously commercial or conventional will very probably not catch.
Although humour, sex and provocation are often ingredients of success, viral marketing can take all kinds of forms, depending on the target, the message and the objective. In B2B for example the publication of a downloadable white paper is a very good example of viral marketing.
The personalisation of a message (by adding one’s name or photo to a game or video), the incentive (a symbolic or real reward that can be gained in a game for example) and intuitive use are key elements of success of this type of campaign.
Formats: viral video, e-mail, downloadable module, widget, white paper and study, Facebook application, audio and video podcast…
Examples: The personalizable homepage of La Tribune de Genève, Dove and its film “Evolution”, the “NicoMarket” viral videos against smoking, UPS and its widgets, the job website Moovement and its personalizable module “Manager of the Year” the videos on rugby and existentialism by Le Coq Sportif, the viral virtual garden by Roxy perfume, or the game “AxeBusters”.
Buzz Marketing is another technique of generating word-of-mouth. The concept here is to spread information to the consumer via an event, a measure or a spectacular, surprising or memorable action associated with a brand… A successful buzz marketing action generates word-of-mouth and media coverage. The important thing here is to create a reaction to attract attention, even by risking controversy or provocation.
Media coverage (via a PR action) is essential to make sure that you reach not only the few persons who are directly exposed to the measure. You have to facilitate the indirect experience of the action by videos broadcast by the media, video sharing platforms... the action has to be sufficiently visual, of course.
This type of action requires considerable logistic and legal know-how to overcome rules and obtain the necessary authorisations (unless you are prepared to risk paying fines), which can often be complicated and time-consuming. You also have to anticipate that some people or administrations might view these “creative measures” as a forcible invasion of their environment … so be careful with the reactions…
Examples:The latest WWF campaign against deforestation, the street marketing campaign for “Batman Begins”, the vertical rugby match by Société Générale, Jeep and its SUV parking places of VW Eos and its “solar” billboards, the bank ING and its provocative saga of clothing for the very rich or the “DIM DIM Girls” squatting the ranks at the rugby world cup.
Then there is also Influencer Marketing, which comprises seeding (creating word-of-mouth by letting opinion leaders test products) and community management. The objective is to generate word-of-mouth by involving opinion leaders online and offline (bloggers, influential consumers, VIPs, stars) and motivating them to relay a message to their audience. This can be done by offering them to test a product, to participate in an exclusive event or to gather in a special place: blog, forum, social network.
This approach requires time and a certain sensitivity… but it can pay off very well in the long term. Exchanging opinions with your consumers, creating customer loyalty and step by step transforming them into supporters allow you to enhance your recommendation rate and thus the growth of your brand. But brands do not always possess sufficient human and financial resources for following the initiated relationship every day over a longer period of time. Influentials need to be handled with care and in contrast to publicity they can not be bought… A clumsy and too commercial approach will at best disinterest them, at worse make them laugh… and can even cause negative buzz if you should have tried to manipulate them, lied to them or deceived them.
Examples: Distribution of new products to female bloggers by Dim Osmose, the social network of the brand MMMKenzoki, the “Running Club” of New Balance or the blog “Renault F1”,...
And finally there are Consumer Generated Media, also called User Generated Media. This type of action consists in letting the audience participate in the communication of a brand and more rarely the co-creation of a product or an offer. A certain number of brands have thus offered internet users to post their videos and photos in order to participate in a competition or a collaborative module (, Gmail, or Joga Bonito for Nike). Some even go so far as to “ask” internet users to invent the screenplay (Honda for “Superball”) or even create the future spot or billboard (Sony via “Current TV”, or SFR via “BlogBang”).
Although this type of campaign is in line with the new phenomenon of “consumer 2.0” or “consum-actor”, it sometimes fails. Often this is due to a lack of quality and sometimes participation is simply not high enough, as this demands a lot of implication and time on the part of the internet users.
What is more, one certainly has to wait a while until everyone masters the tools and expertise necessary for creating a spot… and the number of talents around is not unlimited… because if you like it or not, not everyone is a potential Spielberg ;)
Examples: EBay and its latest campaign, Diesel’s perfume and its co-creation module of customised products or the collaborative video for Gmail (more than 5,000,000 views and more than 1,000 offered videos).
All these approaches differ slightly from each other. They can be used independently or complementarity, or even combined with more traditional communication actions (TV spots or online advertising banners, billboards, press or radio). In that case we speak of integrated communication or 360° marketing…
PS : This post is the translation of the Tribune I wrote and that was published by The Journal du Net
vendredi 16 novembre 2007
jeudi 15 novembre 2007
jeudi 8 novembre 2007
Interviewed by Newzy about "Office LipDub"
Newzy Magazine interviewed me regarding of the new buzz trend "Office Lip Dub". Started by Connected Ventures and imported in Europe by Heaven, this new digital phenomena is now spreading to other communication agencies, startups and media...
Read the whole article here :
vendredi 2 novembre 2007
In the media : NY Times, Technikart, Stratégies, Elle, TF1
French Media have been nice with me and Vanksen|Culture-Buzz these past days and weeks... After an amazing article in the New York Times... and a complete profile in Stratégies...
I have the pleasure to have been quoted in Technikart latest edition about the "débuzz" (use of buzz against brands and products).
BuzzParadise was mentionned in Elle Magazine & I was invited to speak about buzz marketing for TF1 (it was short but it is cool nonetheless) for their 8pm News show (big prime time in France) of tonight...
Without being totally egosatisfied (at leats yet), it is nice to see that this hard working year for all the vanksen team and myself (VanksenGroup have grown from 21 to 85 talents in a year with new offices in Germany, USA, Hong Kong,..) is paying off.
And during the same time.. Mr Dream is on tv too because of his funny video about the iphone...
UCE Magazine : a very nice online luxuruy publication
When surfing the web today, I just discovered UCE Magazine, a magazine dedicated to bringing a richer lifestyle experience to the world through Fashion, Design and Culture... Outside a small bug to access the latest issue (you will have to fight with your antipopup)... UCE succeeded to offer a smooth and highly graphic navigation within its eyecatching content...
Speaking at Strategies "Entreprise 2.0" Seminar
If you are interested in Entreprise 2.0, i.e. the use of 2.0 technologies such as wiki, blogs, social networks, second life,... to improve business collaboration, join us at Strategies seminar in Paris about Enterprise 2.0, the 3rd and 4th of december : I will be speaking to present the ArcelorMittal Webtv we have been launching this year for the worldwide leader of the Steel Industry (330,000 employee).
Rende-vous le 3 et 4 déc 2007 pour la conférence Stratégies sur l'entreprise 2.0 : wiki, réseaux sociaux, Second Life, blogs,... si vous voulez découvrir les dernières innovations en matière de collaboration et communication interne, rejoignez nous : J'interviendrai à propos du projet de webtv que nous avons mené pour ArcelorMittal, le leader mondial de l'acier avec 330.000 employés.
jeudi 1 novembre 2007
How far is too far to generate buzz? (Germany)
The latest cover of "Deutsch", the international Lifestyle Magazine (created by Jung & Matt Agency) is creating a huge reaction and buzz in Germany. You can access the animated debate on Off-the-Record, the blog of Horizont (the german advertising magazine like Strategies in France or AdAge). Provocation and sex are 2 sure ingredients to generate buzz... but how far is too far? What do you think?
vendredi 26 octobre 2007
jeudi 25 octobre 2007
vendredi 12 octobre 2007
Luxembourg ranked as #1 smart city in Europe
Smart cities, an initiative for ranking city depending on their Urban Quality such as housing, economy, culture, social and environmental conditions is ranking little Luxembourg as number 1!
Source :
jeudi 11 octobre 2007
mercredi 10 octobre 2007
lundi 8 octobre 2007
Fannysparty #26 : The Photos!
If you were a geek, a gadget fan or a robot freak, there are chances you were at Fannysparty 26th edition in Paris few days ago. Fanny Bouton, our country manager for Vanksen Hong Kong and the famous Geek Queen, has just made the flight back to organize her now renknown event around asian gadgets, hightech technologies and mobile devices...
Nao marche à la FP26
Vidéo envoyée par fannysparty
jeudi 4 octobre 2007
In Berlin for an exciting buzz non official event...
In Berlin for an exciting meeting with most of the major buzz marketing platforms of 9 countries :,,,,,,, Advantage Marketing Lab (South Korea) & offcourse ... These 2 days should be really interesting...
vendredi 21 septembre 2007
mercredi 19 septembre 2007
When news go viral : John Kerry speech "Taser style" with Andrew Meyer
More info : & there I am especially shocked by the lack of the reaction of the audience. Most of them continue to listen when one of their schoolmate, Andrew Meyer, is just being "tazed". Ok maybe was he a bit demonstrative but come on! When are they going to taze children for not finishing their soup! This is the most video viewed on Youtube today and discussion are numerous abou this incident (more than 18.000 comments & more tan 1.125.000! views on one day!!!). What do you think about it?
lundi 17 septembre 2007
Xavier Inbona Viral cv ... the good way?
After the bad buzz around Mathieu V. video CV... I just find out this other example below. Without being revolutionary I think it is pretty nice... The only bad thing is that the mentionned url at the end of the video doesn't offer any way to contact the author by email or form...
jeudi 13 septembre 2007
Dim Osmose tonight in Second Life
After buzzing via the bloggers with BuzzParadise...
and having generated word of mouth around their new site that try to explain in a very charming way rugby to women :
...the new super high tech bra of Dim (aka Osmose) is preparing an event Second Life.
lundi 10 septembre 2007
samedi 8 septembre 2007
Are social softwares going too far? Who did you had sex with?
There have been a lot of talks regarding digital identity and everyone's control on their data online. From Myspace to Facebook, from Linkedin to Viadeo, to having your face published on your Friend's Flickr ,one can wonder what will be the future. More and more people are worried about the consequences of this phenomenon on your future search for a job for exaple. There is very few chances that your future employer or an headhunter won't "google" your name... While googling mine, is just came upon this site
Now your sexual relationships seem to be tracked ;) and guess what? Since it is not accurate (I would be very pleased to know Paris Hilton that intimately but nope, I have only been working with Greg and Gonzague!) you have to register just to get the fact rights... Lies and Threats as motivators to recruit members for your social software... what's next?! And you what do you think about it?
jeudi 6 septembre 2007
mardi 4 septembre 2007
BuzzTheBrand Conference : the first Buzz Conference in France : 17th of october 2007
I am happy to announce we are co-organizing BuzzTheBrand the 1st Word of Mouth Marketing Conference in France with Stratégies (the equivalent of AdAge in France) on the 17th of october. Most of the top buzz and viral player will be there to deliver value added information to design, deploy & track successful buzz campaign (guerilla marketing, buzz marketing, influential & blog marketing, viral videos,...). Thanks to Justin Kirby and the VBMA (Viral and Buzz Marketing Association for supporting the event).
Please find below the 1st 3 interviews of the speakers (more videos to come on ):
Buzzthebrand / Interview de Publicis Net
Vidéo envoyée par culturebuzz
Buzzthebrand / Interview de Tribeca
Vidéo envoyée par culturebuzz
Buzzthebrand / Interview de Buzzparadise
Vidéo envoyée par culturebuzz
More info :
dimanche 2 septembre 2007
Twitter Blocks is a really cool tool
Twitter blocks is a really cool 3d navigation to browse between your twitter's contacts...
I am using Tweetr too, to read & post twits as easy as with a messenger...
vendredi 31 août 2007
Chanel just launched a beautiful website showing very nice video projections in Paris, New York, Honk Kong, Paris, and Tokyo... Check
Back from Medef Summer University
I have published a complete note on But you can have a look a the blog of the event, or at the photos taken by the 70 guest bloggers. I should say it was an interesting experience and a great opportunity to exchange ideas and meet new faces. Thanks to Frédéric Chevalier for his real sense of organisation and his enthousiasm.
jeudi 30 août 2007
Buzzcast#44 / Tariq Krim / Université d'été du Medef
Le Medef se met au 2.0 avec Tariq Krim, le fondateur de Netvibes, qui intervenait lors de l'atelier sur "le web, une règle de jeu mondiale. Tariq fait partie de la nouvelle génération d'entrepreneurs 2.0 plus jeans et baskets que costume et cigare. Pourtant il n'en aborde pourtant pas moins le futur de son entreprise avec sérieux et ambition avec plus de 10.000.000 d'utilisateurs de sa plateforme! Voici avec ce "buzzcast" ses quelques réflexions sur l'avenir de Netvibes et son intérêt pour les entreprises...
mercredi 29 août 2007
Buzzcast#43 / Charles Liebert / Université d'été du Medef
Buzzcast#43 / Charles Liebert / Université d'été du Medef
Vidéo envoyée par culturebuzz
Interview de Charles Liebert, invité comme blogueur à l'Université du Medef sur le campus HEC... retrouvez le blog de Charles : et nos autres BuzzCasts sur ou sur
Invité comme blogueur à l'Université d'été du MEDEF
Comme une sélection de blogueurs j'ai été invité à venir couvrir l'Université du Medef sur le campus HEC... Bien qu'avec un à priori initial un peu cliché sur cette organisation de Défense et Promotion du Patronat, je suis très positivement surpris de leur esprit d'ouverture...surtout depuis l'arrivée d'une femme à la tête du Medef, Laurence Parisot qui semble insuffler un véritable renouveau. J'ai donc décidé de partager sur ce blog, sur et sur le blog animé par les blogueurs invités les meilleurs moments et les découvertes que je pourrais faire pendant ces 2 journées...
I have been invited with a selection of bloggers by the MEDEF, the leading national organization that promotes and defends Entrepreneurship in France. They are having their national summer university where many leading politicians and wide diversity of people will be speaking and exchanging ideas around concepts such as "corporate social responsibility", competitivity, environment,... The theme of the year is "Fair Play or not Fair Play". Even if I thought this organization was maybe a bit out of fashion, I am very surprised of the invitation and to see the open mind style of their new leader, who for the 1st time ever is a woman : Laurence Parisot. I am going to report about this event in the next 2 days on this blog, on and on the official blog animated by the guest bloggers :
Find some photos on my Flickr....
dimanche 26 août 2007
Parkour in advertising
Every time I do see a video of Parkour (an urban discipline not too different from freerun like the one of Dvinsk Clan) I am just amazed by the agility of the practionners... Advertising seems to have noticed too (after the huge focus with Madonna video clips and the movie Yamazaki in France)... Please find below a selection of Parkour advertising coming from around the world...
First 2 really funny "french style" videos from Nike (The Angry Chichen and the Scary Cat)
Then Nissan comes up with a creative romantic video of Parkour...
Another car maker, Scion, is adopting the trend :
When Ford is using it on the chinese market!
And finally VW is joining the hype in Brazil this time:
Coca-Cola is showing teenage Parkour addict running for its red can :
Milo, in Chile is promoting chocolate cereals this way
Or Snickers, chocolate in Poland:
Even Tio, a brand of potatoe chips in Latvia is using it!
ÖBB, the Austrian SNCF (train company) is a bit more creactive around it...
I would finally choose the version done for the BBC as the great winner in my opinion...
If you are not courageous enough, stick to Parkour ad freerun training in... GTA (video game) ;)
Sometimes I like my job : BuzzParadise campaign for Osmose (Dim new bra)
Our team at BuzzParadise is just launching a new campaign for Osmose : Dim new (high technology) bra... Miio, Sophie or Mathilde are already talking about it...
samedi 25 août 2007
Twix (Spain)... the story behind Caramelo, Chocolate & Galetta ;)
... yes... sorry.. but I just love non sense humor...
vendredi 24 août 2007
Galetta!!!!!!!! But where is the Caramelo
Discover one one the element of the new viral campaign for Twix in Spain :)
dimanche 19 août 2007
Never let me enter a books or magazines shop...
Never let me enter a books or magazines shop... Here you are the result of my latest shopping raid when I was in London for 1 day, last week... I like books! I adore books! I just like to read new ideas, new concepts, new images...and can never have enough of it... Maybe one day I will try to see someone to check about this addiction. ;)
vendredi 10 août 2007
Web2.0 resumé.... the wrong way : CV of Mathieu Vaidis RANBAXY
Web can be tough sometimes... This manager wanted to be innovative in promoting his profile towards potential recruiter... Outside of a crapy sound (that don't really show the technical expertise he proclames to have), his presentation is so self sufficient ("I am a total master of web2.0",...) that some chicky webusers decided to create a remix... that is now becoming viral... Even if he may deserve it... web can show no mercy sometimes... so take the time of thinking twice before publishing something with your name attached... and remember that it is always easy to criticize others when yourself are not taking any risk...
The original video resumé
The parody
Source : Youkepa via Stef
mercredi 18 juillet 2007
Finally enjoying holidays in Thailand...
Sometimes happyness is not more complicated that enjoying a cosmopolitan coktail while chilling out with some friends at the rooftop swimming pool on a perfectly designed asian hotel...
lundi 9 juillet 2007
Party Time in ...Luxembourg with DaftPunk & Placebo
If you weren't in Luxembourg to attempt Placebo and DaftPunk concert in the RockHall, you really missed something! Despited being dead tired, I was just amazed by the energy transmitted by DaftPunk duo...
DaftPunk - Lux - 07 - 2
Vidéo envoyée par gonzaguedambricourt
It was a great time with a part of BuzzParadise, Legitiname and Vanksen teams...
NB : sorry for the poor photo and video quality.. but Gonzague got his camera taken by security ad we had to use phone cam...
Party Time in... Paris with Nokia Trend Labs & BuzzParadise
After Slovenia fro Renault, Monaco for Peroni, some of our BuzzParadise "happyfews" were invited as VIP last friday for Nokia Trends Labs concert in Paris... The concert was offering an incredible playlist : - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, The Rapture, TTC, Para One, Justice, Boys Noise...
Just have a look at the video shot during "Because we are you are friends" from Justice!
Justice - never be alone
Vidéo envoyée par speo007
More info on FrenchJacuzzi, Xavier, Tiblond, Yom, LudoFJ, Katia, TheCélinette, Greg, Nellio, Guillaume, Fubiz, Diese, Fred, Julien, Xavier, Fanny, LaFrange, Frank,... Look at Richard Flickr too.
samedi 7 juillet 2007
Party Time in ...Monaco with Peroni & BuzzParadise
Last week, a selection of lucky influential bloggers aka "buzzangels" were invited by BuzzParadise in Monaco to celebrate the launch of a new trendy beer : Peroni.
Thanks to befaure for the photos. More info with Marie Laure, Luxmen, LadyV,....
jeudi 5 juillet 2007
When we say Vanksen is really doing 360° marketing...
One of the key element of our 360° campaign for Passoa in Belgium, getting tested... Yep boys... From the digital world to conceiving and building giant inflatable promotional structure for guerilla action, word of mouth marketing has never required as wide skills as nowadays ;) Ou belgian friends can discover the blog and even try to win a free travel ticket thanks to an advergame...
mercredi 4 juillet 2007
sfr happy zone publicité
sfr happy zone publicité
Vidéo envoyée par Hisaux
D'autres pubs sur
lundi 2 juillet 2007
Gromob : qui y était?
Vidéo envoyée par festivalgromanche
Au mois de février 2007, un nouveau concept dans la lignée des flashmobs (ces rassemblements éclairs pour effectuer une action incongrue avec un groupe d'inconnus en relation uniquement via email et sms)s'est dispersé comme une trainée de poudre sur le web parisien : nom de code "GRO-mob". Dans l’idéal une GRO-mob, "c’est une partouze entre blogueurs mais, comme la plupart sont moches, on se contentera surement de picoler jusqu’à vomir dans le caniveau" (sic). Plus de 500 blogueurs étaient inscrits. La GRO-mob est sensé avoir eu lieu ce samedi 30 juin. L'endroit a été transmis au dernier moment, par mail et uniquement aux inscrits sur le site En week end à Luxembourg je n'ai pas pu m'y rendre... je suis curieux donc d'avoir un petite compte rendu pour savoir si cette initiative a eu autant de succès que la AirMob d'AirFrance...
vendredi 29 juin 2007
FannysParty Filles / June 2007
FannysParty Filles / June 2007
Vidéo envoyée par culturebuzz
Video de la FannysParty Filles de Juin 2007. More info :
jeudi 28 juin 2007
mercredi 27 juin 2007
Invited as influential by Smuggler Suits
If you don't know the differences and advantages of whole against silk, if you don't know what is a super 130, or why choosing coton over flax... you should have come with me to a workshop organized by Smuggler for a selection of "happyfew" executives. Indeed this brand of "sur mesure" suits and shirts have decided to adopt a marketing 2.0 approach by inviting some ambassadors to learn about the art of making a perfect suit.
The men of my group were therefore delighted to have a detailled crash course about textile the other night... Next workshop will be on betatesting their future website and application (don't look at their old website It seems Smuggler is working really hard to understand customers expectations and to look forward including them very early in the marketing process... good job! I will let you know about the coming steps of this marketing experiment...which I hope will be as successful as the one of "English Cut" thanks to the talent of Hugh Mc Leod aka Gapingvoid. Thanks again to Benjamin for his patience and his passion...
More photos on my Flickr...