Vanksen|Culture-Buzz a reçu le Grand Prix romand de la création dans la catégorie campagne web hier soir en Suisse. Ce prix a été décerné pour la campagne de marketing viral pour le lancement de la nouvelle version du journal "La Tribune de Genève". Vous pouvez lire l'article de la TDG sur le sujet ici. Un grand bravo à notre bureau suisse et à notre équipe de création à Luxembourg...
jeudi 29 mai 2008
Vanksen|Culture-Buzz reçoit le Grand Prix romand de la création (campagne web)
mercredi 28 mai 2008
Word of Mouth Marketing Conference in Warsaw : the videos
Please find below the 2 videos of the Word of Mouth Marketing Conference in Warsaw I was invited to speak at a few weeks ago (thanks to Streetcom):
mardi 27 mai 2008
"Word-of-mouth is not created, it is co-created"
"Word-of-mouth is not created, it is co-created. People will only spread your virus if there’s something in it for them."
Source :
lundi 26 mai 2008
dimanche 25 mai 2008
Why are US series better than french ones?
Maybe just because the writers behind scenari really do know how to relate to present time. They are really fast at including and reacting to present trends and news. A very good example I just came upon is this reference to the FreezeMob in NY Grand Central train station from ImprovEverywhere :
in one recent episod of "Law & Order: SVU" :
See how they took an amazing attention to details. The frozen girl with the yoghurt has even been reenacted!
From buzz to pop culture in a snap... welcome to trends 2.0.
samedi 24 mai 2008
Ad Industry Value: Up or Down?
In one of her latest post on the Forrester Blog for Agencies Mary Beth Kemp (who spoke at marketing2.0 Conference by the way...) is trying to better analyse the evolution of the advertising industry. She says that "The ad industry has lost its spark. " and is wondering "why and how did that move from partner to vendor happen? And more importantly, what can agencies do to move the dial back - if anything? Any thoughts?". As cofounder of VanksenGroup I spent lots of my time wondering about the ad industry next move and the skills to develop to keep our clients happy, our team motivated and keep the business running. Therefore, please find below my 2 cents about Marry Beth questions...
I think that the challenge lies in breaking the barrier between digital and offline advertising. If digital agencies are only digital, they will only be considered as technical and design supplier... and you can always find a cheaper one regarding technology in Bulgaria, India, China, ... No wonder that leading web agencies in France such as Fullsix (and don’t get me wrong they do a really good job) are losing money.
On the other hand despite traditional advertising still keeping the main share of the marketing mix, it is losing ground each year to digital and alternative marketing. The few big traditional players that have succeeded in integrating digital will probably win both the digital and traditional business of their competitor agencies that have not.
Therefore I think that digital players should be quickly moving up the food chain and integrating strategy and traditional advertising skills. No brand is going to offshore their UK or France marketing strategy to an Indian or Chinese firm... on the contrary to their website development. In the web world, they are trained to adapt quickly and be constant learners. I bet that some of them will follow this path and will go after big agencies traditional business. This is the only way they will get paid good enough to survive and thrive... and to hire and pay talents properly...
Then developing efficient and smart multicultural and international capabilities is another way to go. Despite leaving in the EU unified market, I am always amazed about the strong differences existing from one market to another. Very few players can assist they client on different market. In the cosmetics and luxury market there is a strong demand for agencies able to deal with Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Middle East and Russian strong developing markets... Even the big advertising players that only offer poor coordination and very expensive fees are not always up for the job…
Finally conceiving tools and platforms that offer real added value and proven measured ROI is another way to avoid competing only on prices. Creating platforms to monitor brand use and abuses online, to manage Search Engine Marketing, to seed and distribute digital branded content on the growing number on social media, to better track and optimize ROI on banners campaigns, to panel consumers and co conceive or co market products and services, to connect influential consumers and brands...
At least these are the approaches we have been trying to follow for the past few years at Vanksen ( and we have grown from 25 to 100 employee ( 14 nationalities) in just 1,5 years... This is just a start and critics may say that today small achievement is no proof or guarantee of tomorrow success… but I think passion despite being required is not enough… innovation is key.
Find more about this conversation on Forrester blog for agencies :
jeudi 22 mai 2008
ArcelorMittal Webtv Season 2 : Brand Reputation
If you have never had a look at the amazing 2.0 project we are deploying with Vanksen for the worlwide leader of steel, ArcelorMittal, have a look at these episods of the season 2 of their webtv :
Watch more on
Interviewed by Flydoscope (Luxembourg)
Flydoscope, the magazine edited by Luxair, Luxembourg's Airline, was keen enough to interview me in the latest edition. Bad point was (at least for the poor readers) that they asked me, as usual in the magazine, to make a drawing! Now you know why we do have art directors and designers at Vanksen|Culture-Buzz. They are just so much better than me regarding design... ;)
lundi 19 mai 2008
mercredi 14 mai 2008
Annabelle, blogueuse influente ;)
Annabelle, 26 ans, blogueuse influente from Bobby Freckles on Vimeo.
La blogueuse Elixie nous explique en vidéo (parodique) sa vie de blogueuse très influente de province ;)
mardi 13 mai 2008
Poscasted by Caroline Maerten Rolling Talks
People from all over the world joined us at the Marketing2.0 Conference... There were even some from Belgium like Caroline Maerten from Rolling Talks who decided to podcast me for the Interact Congress Blog. This is the blog of the Interact Congress for Online Advertising and Media in Europe, that will take place in Berlin on 2-3 June 2008 under the tagline “Connecting European E-Marketing“.
Emmanuel Vivier, CEO Vanksen group from Rolling Talks on Vimeo.
Mary Beth, Forrester Research principal analyst regarding word of mouth marketing & web2.0 has been podcasted too. Mary Beth is explaining Forrester POST approach. POST stands for People, Objectives, Strategy, Technology. An interesting simple & efficient method to start with dealing with 2.0 for a brand :
Mary Beth Kemp, Forrester Principal Analyst from Rolling Talks on Vimeo.
lundi 12 mai 2008
Viral, Buzz & Influential Marketing: presentation from my latest conferences
Since many of the people who attempted the latest conferences I have been speaking at (Marketing2.0 Conference in Paris, Word of Mouth Marketing Conference in Warsaw,...) have asked for it... please find my presentation slides on Slideshare... It is a basic 1h30 synthesis for marketing people who are just starting getting interested in buzz, viral and influential and word of mouth marketing. Feel free to give me your feedback... It is all about conversation ;)
When Words Collide : DDB speach in Cannes Advertising Festival 2007
While surfing on, I just came accross this interesting video shot during Cannes Advertising Festival 2007.
Matt Dyke, Worldwide Planning Director and Jeroen Matser, Senior Planner, discussed the new landscape of digital innovations converging with the physical world : RFID, interactive shoPping window, geotagging, gps marketing live localization, objects talking to each other, augmented reality, mobile innovations, live interactive game offline in a movie theater.
Lots of interesting examples... The barriers between digital and real world seems to be collapsing more and more... And you what do you think?
samedi 10 mai 2008
jeudi 8 mai 2008
Speaking at Word of Mouth Conference in Warsaw, Poland
Today I was speaking at The annual conference "Word of Mouth - The power of consumers" in Warsaw Poland. This event was organized by StreetCom (the local equivalent of BzzAgent or in Poland).
I was pleased to join top word of mouth marketing authorities from United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Poland such as Emanuel Rosen (Author of international bestseller "The Anatomy of Buzz"), John Hlinko (President and CEO Grassroots Enterprise) who is know helping Obama to recruit more advocates, Willem Sodderland (Founder and CEO word of mouth marketing agency Buzzer in the Netherlands). Please find Willem's presentation below :
More info :
mardi 6 mai 2008
Marketing 2.0 Conférence | Paris (5/6 may)
A few photos from we are co-organising with Vanksen|Culture-Buzz & Nils Andres from the Brand Science Institute. More available on Flickr.
lundi 5 mai 2008
Fanny interdite à l'ESCP-EAP :)
Plutôt marrant, en essayant de consulter le blog de notre collaboratrice Fanny Bouton depuis la conférence Marketing 2.0 que nous co-organisons à l'ESCP-EAP je tombe sur cette page...
Fanny "interdite par la charte déontologique de l'Escp Eap"? ;)