vendredi 22 décembre 2006

BuzzCast#22 Martin Oetting / Buzz Expert / "un vrai dialogue avec les consommateurs peut avoir des résultats exceptionnels"

J'ai eu la chance de croiser Martin Oetting à la conférence leweb3. Martin est un des experts allemands sur le marketing du Bouche à Oreille. Il a co-rédigé le livre Connected Marketing et opère le blog du même nom : Martin collabore avec Trnd (The Real Network Dialogue) qui est assez similaire à notre plateforme BuzzParadise ou à BzzAgent aux Etats-Unis. Martin nous parle du buzz Outre-Rhin, des portails de partage vidéos, du fiasco de l'opération bloggers Opel Astra (en Allemagne),...

Merci en tous cas Martin pour cette interview dans la langue de Molière.... Désolé pour la fin de l'interview coupée pour cause de carte mémoire pleine...

PS : Vous pouvez retrouver la vidéo de Martin Oetting sur la conférence leweb3 ici.
PS : retrouver d'autres BuzzCasts de buzzpeople sur

jeudi 21 décembre 2006

BuzzCast#21 Laurent Kratz /// Jamendo / "les fans ne sont pas méchants"

Podcast de Laurent Kratz, cofondateur de Jamendo, plateforme web2.0 de partage/diffusion de musique.  Sur jamendo, les artistes ont librement choisi de diffuser leur musique en respectant une licence de diffusion Creative Commons qui leur permet de conserver leurs droits d'auteurs sur leurs oeuvres tout en autorisant le public à les écouter, les télécharger, les copier et les redistribuer.

Jamendo_1Ces nouvelles règles du jeu permettent à jamendo d'utiliser au mieux les nouveaux moyens de diffusion de la musique comme les réseaux Peer-To-Peer BitTorrent ou eMule, sur lequels sont diffusés massivement et légalement tous les albums présents sur jamendo. Jamendo permet donc à la communauté de découvrir et partager de la musique et de donner son avis sur celle-ci. Les albums sont classés démocratiquement suivant les critiques des visiteurs, qui peuvent par la suite faire une donation aux artistes qu'ils apprécient particulièrement.

Jamendo est ainsi l'unique plate-forme qui combine :
- Un cadre légal protégeant les artistes (grâce aux licences Creative Commons).
- Un accès à la musique gratuit et simple, pour tous.
- L'utilisation des dernières technologies p2p (Peer-To-Peer).
- La possibilité de rémunérer sur base volontaire et équitable les artistes.
- Des systèmes de sélections évolués pour vous aider à découvrir de nouveaux artistes en tenant compte de vos goûts et d'autres critères comme votre situation géographique.

Retrouvez d'autres podcasts de "BuzzPeople" sur le blog ou ici.

dimanche 10 décembre 2006

Le web3 Conférence : D-1


Tomorrow, I will be meeting with more than 900 bloggers from all over the world at le web3 Conference. Check this blog for some more info in the coming 2 days...

lundi 4 décembre 2006

France 24 / 12 International Bloggers (The photos)

Please find below the photos of the week-end where France 24 invited 12 influential bloggers for an exclusive presentation of the TV Network : 

Tip : discover how to embed Flickr slideshow here.

France 24 / 12 International Bloggers

Logo_france24 France 24 invited 12 influential bloggers (Andre Baron & Joanne Colan from RocketBoom (USA), Robert Basic (Germany), Luca Conti (Italy), Juan Varela (Spain), Gilles Klein (France), Jean-Michel Billaut, Roba Al-Assi (Jordan), Carl Jan Königel (Netherlands), Giuseppi Granieri (Italy), Luc Van Braekel (Belgium), Chukumeka Okafor (USA),...) from all over the world (with the help of our Buzzparadise platform) for an exclusive presentation of the TV Network. They were invited to shoot some videos directly from the official TV offices.

Click here if you want to adopt this video module. Find more photos of this event here.

jeudi 30 novembre 2006

Olivier Creiche (SixApart) in the Eurostar

jeu. 30.11.2006 21:50 30112006(002)
It is always funny to meet people you know when you are far from home. I just walked into Olivier Creiche from Six Apart during my latest Eurostar trip...

mercredi 29 novembre 2006

Cergy city launches a buzzmarketing towards urban teenagers

When Cergy city (one of Paris suburb) launches a buzzmarketing campaign to motivates teenagers to signup in order to be able to vote for the next elections in France.... you got a simple but efficient viral video with an amazing list of the top French Rap artists such as 113, Diams, Passy, Sinik, Faf la Rage, Jacky Brown, Princess Anies, Oxmo Pucino, Medine, Poison... and a collaborative blog... Have a look at

mardi 28 novembre 2006

Scifi Party with Gush

Cool party organised by SciFi, the science fiction cable channel. Greg came with me and it was a nice opportunity to discover Gush a new rock band with some real talent. Thanks again Mélanie for the invitation. Mathieu and Brian were supposed to be there but we did not see them.


Stratégies : Word of Mouth Marketing Seminar

I just spent the last 2 days as speaker for a word of mouth marketing seminar (blog, buzz, viral marketing) for Stratégies.


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Pub iPod Shuffle

Pub iPod Shuffle
Vidéo envoyée par mcburger
Pub iPod Shuffle

Publication Lifeblog

mar. 28.11.2006 19:02 28112006(002)

mar. 28.11.2006 19:02 28112006(002)

mar. 28.11.2006 19:03 28112006(003)

mar. 28.11.2006 19:03 28112006(003)

jeudi 23 novembre 2006, the longuest shout in the world : the final video

When bloggers participated in the latest viral competition of, it sometimes becomes like a Mozart Melody ;) Please find a bestof video of the viral campaign with did for WAT.TV

Speech at Celsa with Alban Martin

Alban Martin invited me to speak at Celsa this morning. Celsa is one of the best School of journalism & communication in France. Alban Martin is one of the French Expert regarding the Music 2.0 industry. He just wrote a very interesting book called l'Age de Peer (the peer era) and I recommand everyone working in the entertainment industry to read it.

jeu. 23.11.2006 10:58 23112006


Thanks again Albain, and tell your students we are looking for talents both at Culture-Buzz &

jeudi 16 novembre 2006

Exclusive images of FRANCE 24

Exclusive images of FRANCE 24
Vidéo envoyée par stephany24
First real aired Images of FRANCE 24, the French World News TV Channel...

jeudi 9 novembre 2006

Word of mouth Marketing Conference in Belgium

lThanks to Cible & Defimedia for having invited me to speak about buzz & word of mouth marketing in Namur (Belgium) last tuesday. As cofounder of BuzzParadise and Culture-Buzz, I always appreciate opportunities to tell brands that buzz marketing offers a great potential for them to spread their message.


It was nice to see that more than 130 people came to learn more about this marketing approach. You can find more information on the dedicated website : or on the Belgium newspaper article of La Libre Belgique.



vendredi 27 octobre 2006

Blackberry Pearl Party (Paris)

Wednesday night, I had a quick jump at the BlackBerry Pearl Party at Palais de Tokyo with our Geek Queen Fanny. Nice place but a bit overcrowded, few "people" such as Omar and Fred, Dechavanne,...Palais_tokyo_blackberry_pearl4  Palais_tokyo_blackberry_pearl Palais_tokyo_blackberry_pearl3


Omar_fred_blackberry_pearl Few bloggers were there too : PRland and Denis from It was a good occasion to discover the Restaurant of the Palais. A nice place with pretty reasonable prices considering the hype of the spot...Fanny_dinner_palais_tokyo_blackberry_pea 


jeudi 26 octobre 2006

Culture-Buzz & BuzzParadise on TV in Switzerland

As I mentionned it before, the Switzerland TV channel TSR (A Bon Entendeur) was in our offices few weeks ago regarding a reportage about buzz & viral marketing. It was a nice opportunity to present them &, since the interest for buzz marketing is just starting in Switzerland. It is more than 3 years we already have an office there with Vanksen Group.If you want to have a look at the result, just watch the video below (in french only) :

lundi 23 octobre 2006

Fannysparty #21 : Lets meet the geek community!

Fanny, our geek queen and mobile & high tech consultant at Culture-Buzz is organizing her 21th Fannysparty this tuesday at La Suite in Paris. Just imagine something like 200 to 300 hundreds geeks, hightech gadgets fans, bloggers, gamers, pda addicts joining together for one night. Numerous brands such as Nokia, Apple, Sony,... are there just to be able to connect and present their new prototypes and products to this influential audience.

PS : I have been told that 3 TV channels will be there ;)

Fanny's Party 21
Recommandé par des Influenceurs.

Marketing1.0 VS 2.0

Quand une des chroniqueuses de Canal+ présente (notre plateforme buzzmarketing), c'est une nouvelle démonstration que le marketing1.0 (Média, pub traditionnels & marketing de l’interruption) ne comprend pas grand chose au Marketing 2.0 (Marketing du Bouche à Oreille et Permission Marketing).

BuzzParadise ( permet à ses membres de tester de nouveaux produits (films, dvd, services, gsm,...) en avant première, de participer à des évènements exclusifs,... en permettant au passage aux marques de générer du bouche à oreille.


Il n’en fallait pas plus pour que notre chère chroniqueuse caricature à coups de raccourcis et de déformations. Amusant de voir une émission de TV (financée en forçant ses auditeurs à visionner des coupures publicités au milieu de ses programmes) s’offusquer d’une nouvelle approche marketing qui permet au consommateur de faire suivre ou non une information (commerciale certes) à un public ciblé (vs le rouleau compresseur indifférenciant des écrans pubs TV).

Voici donc quelques précisions et corrections pour répondre à la chronique caricaturale de Canal+ :
- Rien n’oblige nos influents à participer à une campagne ou à générer du bouche à oreille positif (une bonne critique sur un défaut à autant de valeur pour la marque pour améliorer son service ou produit).
- Les produits envoyés ne sont jamais récupérés quelque soient les avis retournés par les BuzzAngels!
- Indiquer que les consommateurs influents ne seraient que des « hommes sandwichs » sans capacité de jugement, revient au même que de dire que les journalistes ne sont pas capables d’avoir un avis après avoir été invité à tester un produit par une marque…

L'approche de BuzzParadise est nouvelle (et donc certainement imparfaite) mais évolue et doit continuer d'évoluer chaque jour mais le respect de nos membres est un des fondements mêmes de notre approche (cf nos 3 engagements)...

PS : Daphnée B., chroniqueuse chez Canal+ n'a jamais pris contact avec BuzzParadise pour préparer ce sujet. Nous tenons donc à lui signaler que nous sommes à sa disposition afin de lui donner plus de détail sur le marketing 2.0 qui semble encore bien obscur pour certains media. Cela leur évitera peut-être de sur-simplifier les choses, quitte à les dénaturer.

PS2 : Daphnée B. ne se renouvelle guère… On a déjà eu le droit au quasi-même sujet, toujours sur Canal+ il y a quelques mois.

Enfin sans rancune, cette émission a permis à 200 nouveaux BuzzAngels de rejoindre la communauté sur ;) en une journée.

Plus d'info :
- Canal+
- Merci à Céline pour l'info
- Le même article sur

samedi 21 octobre 2006

Open BC France : 3rd Birthday Party

Openbc_1The social network OpenBc, now rebranded as Xing (to be pronounced "cross-ing), was organizing a party last Saturday night in Paris at Le Cab to celebrate its 3rd birthday. Invited by Yann Mauchamp, OpenBc Country Manager for France, we had a jump with Greg and Swedish in Paris (if you are looking for someone smart speaking french, english and swedish,.. she is looking for a job...).

Swedish_jeremy_dumont_charles_nouyrit Swedish_in_paris

Among the nearly 500 people there, we came across Charles (exhausted by his new job in Fullsix), the Gaspanik Team (cool webtv, you should check it out), Richard (who espace from his work regarding the "Blog Emploi Challenge"), Peewee, Charles Nouyrit (now working for Group Reflect), Carlos Diaz, Laurent (ready to start a new business) Sophie, Julien, and Jeremy Dumont (crazy networker who organizes the Aperos Du Jeudi). Yann_mauchamp_greg_pouy

France : A future without Tobacco

20 Minutes, a French information print magazine just issued a very funny video. They have just try to imagine a reportage of what could be the situation in 2010, when cigarettes would have become illegal and smokers would be tracked as criminals by the police.

Source :

vendredi 20 octobre 2006

We are the Web

When webusers fight for their rights and a free becomes a really funny and cool video musical. Who are geek enough to identify all of the participants : PeterPan, Leslie Hall, Tron Guy, Dancing Baby,... ;)

Source : Embruns
More info :

mardi 17 octobre 2006

V for Vendetta /// The DVD & the viral game

Did you like the movie V for Vendetta? If the answer is yes, have a look at Culture-Buzz latest action : a viral game ( where you will be able to challenge your friends. The top 10 scores will win the collector edition of the DVD ;) This operation has been launched with the help of BuzzParadise (30 influentials bloggers have received the DVD and have been invited to help built the buzz around the DVD launch and the game).


lundi 16 octobre 2006

6th "Museums Night" in Luxembourg

Luxembourg_nuit_des_museesOnce a year, Luxembourg opens all its museums until 1am during what is called "la nuit des musées" (Museum Night). It was a nice opportunity to discover the new modern art musem (Mudam) and its amazing building. I still have some trouble dealing with some of the "supposed" exposed master pieces... but I guess Art is question of perception.

I advise you too to visit the Fortress Museum. Build by Vauban, this castle has just been rebuilt... And it is pretty fun to visit a one mile underground secret passage only lighten with your cell phone screen ;)

jeudi 12 octobre 2006

Video of the Blog Party 2 with

More than 250 bloggers met few days ago for the Blog Party ( Look at this video to have a short summary of the party... Adopt this video by copy and pasting the following code :

vendredi 6 octobre 2006

Bestof Web# Site2Com by Othertoys

#2 reunion story
Envoyé par othertoys
When the Othertoys team ( have fun about advertising agencies, it is just to good! Discover their crzay team with the dumb technician Jojo, the pseudohype Art Director, the gay salesman who doesnt' sale anything, and the dictator boss ;)

mercredi 4 octobre 2006

Cris de blogueurs! Watshappening?!

Pour avoir la réponse et participez vous aussi au plus long cri du monde, rendez-vous sur

Speaking at First Tuesday Luxembourg

mar. 03.10.2006 19:24 03102006
First Tuesday Luxembourg invited me to speak about blog marketing and blog as a communication tool for businesses. It was nice to see that more and more people in Luxembourg are finally interested in the subject ;) Thanks again Steve for the invitation.

lundi 2 octobre 2006

BlogParty : Bloggers in Paris

The BlogParty, last friday night in Paris was a big success. Sponsored par, it was a nice occasion to meet more than 250 bloggers! To name a few : Vinvin, Folie Privée, Fred de Mai, Darkplanneur, Virginie Talavera, Kylia, Christophe Ginisty, Bagatelles, Greg, ParcequeMoiAussi, la Gazette du Buzz, Nawal, Emery, Galienni, Fanny, Miss Blablabla... Dekablog just did a really cool video about the party here.




mercredi 27 septembre 2006

On the way to Geneva...

After Luxembourg, Paris, St Tropez, Im pursuing my buzz marketing evangelization week towards Switzerland this time! Buzz Power!

jeudi 14 septembre 2006

Flashback : Prytanée National Militaire de la Flèche

Prytanee National Militaire de la Fleche Prytanee National Militaire de la Fleche Prytanee National Militaire de la Fleche

It has been 10 years I did not had the opportunity to stop at La Fleche (a small city near LeMans) & more precisely to the Prytanee National Military Academy... Yes, you may be surprise but as some others bloggers such as Frogita or JB, I am an ex "Brution" or Nass, as the students called themselves.

For those who don’t know the PNM is a very intense experience, from which you keep memories for a lifetime. Even 40 years after, most “Brutions” still talk with emotion & pride about their years in this Old Military Institution (created in 1808 by Napoleon!). And each year alumni come by to during one night called the Gala Brution.

One of the key elements of the Prytanée is the importance of traditions and folklore (If I can call it like that) among the students. From the way you dress, to the one you communicate with other students, there are hundreds of details that each of the students knows and respect…

Last Saturday it was 10 years I did not stop at the Prytanée. 10 years without being into contact. Just imagine how fast and big things can change in 10 years. I was curious to see how things had evolved and contacted one of the students for a drink. Believe it or not, but despite ten years of administration pressure to stop students to keep their traditions… they have been passed from students to students during these 10 years without barely a change… and most of these traditions are much more older than that.

As a viral marketing professional I am just amazed about this… More than a simple message, a complete set of complex behaviors, habits & songs has just spread like a virus from one generation to another without weakening at all… Not too bad for such an old institution...

mardi 12 septembre 2006

Do you know Amanda Fromici

I just met Mry and Amanda Fromici at a movie Avant Première on tuesday night... I did barely did not reckognize Amanda who is far from her crazy-entertaining character in a serie of funny videos on WAT.TV. Have a look for yourself :

Communication is a matter of perception

I am always astonished by the difference that may exist between the message we want to promote as a marketer or advertiser and its perception by the public.

Last week at the Marketing Show, one of the other speaker, Bill Carney (both a renown University Professor & an amazing speaker aka Professor Bling (sic)) showed us a great example brilliantly illustrating the subject.

Here is a test. If you click on this image below you will see a video of 2 basketball teams. A white team and black team. Look with a lot of attention... I challenge you to tell me the exact number of time the WHITE team members have exchanged the ball...


Click here and count the number of exchange between the members of the white team...

dimanche 10 septembre 2006

A great example of Conference Presentation

I always think I tend to say too much on a power point slide. Dick Hardt, Founder & CEO of Sxip Identity, is just the perfect example on how to master a speech with slides never containing more than 2 words or pictures. Even if it means lots of slides ;)

His presentation at OSCON 2005 Keynote (very "Lawrence Lessig" style) about Identity 2.0 is just brilliant and definitely supports his ideas.

vendredi 1 septembre 2006

Marketing Show / Geneva


I was pleased to animate a workshop dedicated to buzzmarketing, blog and viral marketing. Brands in Switzerland seem to be really interested in the subject...

ven. 01.09.2006 12:02 01092006